blowers, sweepers or other approved equipment may be used to clean hardscape
<br />areas. Debris shall not be blown or swept onto adjacent planters, streets or property.
<br />All debris must be picked up by the Contractor and removed from the site. Debris and
<br />litter that shall be cleaned includes, but is not limited to, leaves, twigs, branches, and
<br />trash. The City shall approve any equipment that is to be used for cleaning hardscape.
<br />Large trash items in excess of five inches length or width, a muddle of smaller items,
<br />spills, and any material (including tree /plant material) that creates a safety hazard shall
<br />be picked up daily.
<br />b) Picnic facilities and park benches, including but not limited to picnic tables, barbecues,
<br />benches, concrete pads and shelters shall be continuously maintained in a safe and
<br />clean condition.
<br />c) Pressure washing
<br />(1) General Hardscape Areas — Contractor shall perform pressure washing
<br />annually (second week of May) to remove dirt, stains, gum, tar, etc. from all
<br />paved pedestrian surfaces including, sidewalks, and all other improved
<br />hardscape areas.
<br />(2) Sport Court Pressure Washing — see Section 12 below.
<br />(3) Priority Hardscape Areas - Contractor shall perform pressure washing
<br />quarterly (second week of July, October, January, and April) to remove dirt,
<br />stains, gum, tar, etc. from all paved pedestrian surfaces within 50 feet of all park
<br />buildings, all areas adjacent to parking lots, and all areas between parking lots
<br />and park buildings to achieve a consistently clean surface, free of all stains and
<br />foreign material.
<br />d) Site amenity cleaning — Contractor shall maintain site amenities, such as but not limited
<br />to, picnic tables, park benches, skate park, walls, planters, raised curbing, railing,
<br />exterior of buildings, overhead shelters, etc.
<br />(1) All picnic amenities (picnic tables, b.b.q.s, picnic shelters, etc.) and park benches
<br />shall be cleaned daily Monday through Sunday to assure that all trash, stains,
<br />spills, debris, glass, staples, nails, tape, wire, etc. is removed.
<br />(2) All barbecues shall have ashes, charcoal or any other materials removed once a
<br />week. Contractor shall paint the exterior of the b.b.q.'s and the post with heat and
<br />rust resistant flat black paint whenever rust appears.
<br />e) All parks with flagpoles shall have an American flag displayed at all times. The
<br />Contractor shall visually inspect the flag every day to assure it is in good condition.
<br />Should, in the opinion of the Director, the flag not be in good condition (faded,
<br />discolored, torn and /or having holes) Contractor shall immediately request from the
<br />Director a new flag. Contractor shall raise the new flag immediately upon receipt from
<br />the Director.
<br />f) Drinking fountains shall be cleaned, sanitized and unplugged on a continuous basis.
<br />The Contractor shall use approved germicidal cleaner and products to assure that
<br />drinking fountains are clean and polished. The Contractor shall remove all mineral
<br />build up, algae, stains, etc. The Contractor shall achieve this level of quality using a
<br />combination of cleansers, metal polish product, hand and /or power tools. Should the
<br />drinking fountain be so plugged that dismantling the fountain is required the Contractor
<br />shall notify the Director immediately so City staff can make the repair.
<br />9. Playground/Tot -Lot Areas
<br />District 4 Park Landscape Specification
<br />