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To Be Determined, Account Manager (Maintenance Supervisor): This person has <br />not been identified to date. <br />Marco A. Ortiz. QAL — Pesticide Technician: Mr. Ortiz has been with our company <br />since 1998. He is responsible for all pesticide applications. He works closely with our <br />pesticide vendor to train personnel and obtain recommendations. Further, Marco is <br />responsible for Initiating notices of intent, purchasing chemicals, complying with <br />agriculture commissioner requirements, and any other duties related to pesticide <br />applications, Mr. Ortiz holds a Pest Control Qualified Applicator License with categories <br />ABCDF <br />Brian Eddv. Contract Administrator /Safety Manager: Mr. Eddy has 20 years of <br />combined experience in customer service and business management. Brian came to the <br />company in 2008 in the capacity of Contract Administrator. Since then, he has <br />completed a certificate program in Horticultural Science through the University of <br />Riverside becoming a Certified Turfgrass Manager. Additionally, he is certified in <br />irrigation design and installation through Hunter University. Further, he has taken on the <br />responsibility of Safety Manager. His strengths in business management, customer <br />service, and education have enabled him to successfully manage many of our field <br />projects. <br />Yesenia F. Ramirea. Human Resources Manager Ms. Ramirez has been with our <br />company since 1993 and currently manages all payroll, personnel, risk management, <br />and workers compensation matters for the company. Yesenia holds an Associate of <br />Science Degree in Business Administration from Mt. San Jacinto College and a human <br />resources certification from Chaffey College. <br />