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Implementation Plan <br />Azteca Landscape would like to offer the following plan which details how our company will achieve <br />and fulfill the expectations of this Request for Proposal for the Median Landscape Maintenance Service <br />In the City of Santa Ana, In working on other projects of similar scope and size, we believe that we will <br />meet the City's expectations. <br />We propose the following, <br />Assigned staff members will report to the job site at 7:00 am and end their day at 3:30 pm, <br />daily. The crew members will leave from a yard located in the City with all required equipment <br />needed to perform their duties. <br />« Those assigned to this project are: <br />o (1) Manager (Noe Farias) will be on site to oversee the project. He will prepare work <br />orders and proposal. He will meet with the city monitors and discuss any issues that <br />might arise. <br />o (1) Supervisor (Roberto Gorge) - will work forty (40) hours a week and wilt prepare <br />reports, schedules, and manage day -to -day operations. Further, he will meet with the <br />City Inspector to discuss work schedule, give recommendations, etc. <br />o (3) Crew Leaders - will work forty (40) hours a week. They will be in charge of directing <br />their two to four member crews, providing materials and supplies necessary to <br />complete daily task in addition to performing maintenance tasks. <br />a (2) Irrigation Technicians - will work forty (40) hours a week. These employees will <br />inspect, troubleshoot, and repair irrigation systems. Furthermore, they will complete <br />weekly and monthly reports. <br />o (1) Pesticide Technician - will work eight (g) hours a month. He will perform all pre - <br />emergent, pest, and rodent control. <br />o (3) Mower Operators - will work forty (40) hours a week. This team will perform all <br />mowing operations for the City. <br />o (3) Maintenance Gardeners -will work forty (40) hours a week, These crews will perform <br />all daily landscape maintenance tasks. <br />All hours proposed are estimates. If unexpected events occur, additional hours will be added to meet <br />the specifications. <br />Equipment <br />r (1) 72" Exmark mower <br />(1) 60" Exmark mower <br />« (1) Jacobsen 12 foot reel mower <br />(1) Jacobsen 12 foot HR 9016 rotary mower <br />• (3) Backpack blowers <br />(3) line trimmer <br />