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ARCHITECT MILFORD WAYNE DONALDSON FAIA <br />significance. A single row of 10 trees is not adequate to maintain integrity or convey <br />significance in this case. <br />The Guidelines also recognize that cultural landscapes are composed through a collection <br />of features which are organized in space. This includes the patterns of fields or orchards <br />which define the spatial character of the landscape. These include the spatial <br />organization and land patterns that define and create spaces in the landscape. In the case <br />of the Sexlinger Orchard, the relationship between the Farmhouse and the much larger <br />Orchard, are the rows and spacing of the individual trees, and their relationship to the <br />street. The spatial organization and land patterns would be lost through demolition of the <br />majority of the Orchard, leaving only a single line of trees around the Farmhouse. <br />The Guidelines also identify the character - defining features of a cultural landscape that <br />collectively contribute to historic character. These include topography, vegetation, <br />circulation, water features, and structures. In the case of the Sexlinger Orchard, the flat <br />topography, standardized color, height and size of vegetation, lack of ornamental <br />landscaping, pedestrian circulation routes through the trees and the relationship to the <br />Farmhouse along the street frontage are all character - defining features. All of these <br />important character - defining features would be lost through demolition of the majority of <br />the Orchard, leaving only a vestigial remnant of a functioning Orchard. <br />The Santa Ana City Council has a unique opportunity to preserve an important example <br />of its agricultural heritage through the Sexlinger Orchard and Farmhouse. I encourage <br />the Council to continue working with the owners of the property to preserve enough of <br />the Orchard, together with the Farmhouse, to convey the significance of a working <br />agricultural property. Once the Orchard is demolished, there will be no intact examples <br />of this crucial part of the region's history for the benefit of future generations. <br />Thank you for your stewardship of the significance and irreplaceable historic resource <br />that has been entrusted to your care. <br />Sincerely, <br />4` <br />Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA <br />4100 FOLSOM BLVD Unit 5D, SACRAMENTO, CA 95819 mwdonaldsonl3 916 532 8004 <br />