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8. DOUBLE DIPPING PROHIBITED <br />In performing its respective Authorized Work obligations, the City shall implement the <br />following mechanism and shall take other practicable steps to minimize double - dipping: <br />8.1. Prior to providing incentives or services to an Eligible Customer, the City and its <br />Contractors shall obtain a signed form from such Eligible Customer stating that: <br />8.1.1. Such Eligible Customer has not received incentives or services for the same <br />measure from any SCG program or from another utility, state, or local program; and <br />8.1.2. Such Eligible Customer agrees not to apply for or receive incentives or services <br />for the same measure from any SCG program or from another utility, state, or local <br />program. <br />Each Party shall keep its Customer - signed forms for at least five (5) years after the <br />expiration or termination of this Agreement. <br />8.2. No Party shall knowingly provide an incentive to an Eligible Customer, or make <br />payment to a Contractor, who is receiving compensation for the same product or service <br />either through another ratepayer funded program, or through any other funding source. <br />8.3. The City represents and warrants that it has not received (and that its Contractor(s) has <br />not received), and will not apply for or accept Incentives or services for any measure <br />provided for herein or offered pursuant to this Agreement or the Program from any other <br />Utility program or from any other Utility, state or local program. <br />8.4. The Parties shall take reasonable steps to minimize or avoid the provision of incentives <br />or services for the same measures provided under the Program from another program or <br />other funding source ( "double- dipping "). <br />9. REPORTING <br />The Parties shall implement those reporting requirements as agreed upon, as the same may be <br />amended from time to time, or until the Commission otherwise requires or issues different or <br />updated reporting requirements for the 2013 -2014 Program, in which case and at which time <br />such Commission- approved reporting requirements shall replace the requirements. <br />10. PAYMENTS <br />10.1. Partner's Budget <br />10.1.1. Maximum Budget: The Partner Budget is set forth in Exhibit B to this Agreement <br />and represents maximum share of the Program's two -year Authorized Partnership <br />Budget for funding the performance of the Program by the City or Program <br />Participants. Additionally, Exhibit B sets forth the maximum non - incentive budget <br />on a periodic basis during the Program. The City shall not be entitled to <br />compensation in excess of the Partner's Budget (either on a periodic basis or in <br />2013 -14 Santa Ana Partnership Agreement 8 <br />