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total), without written authorization by the Utility and receipt of a revised Exhibit B. <br />Consistent with Commission directives to maximize cost - effectiveness and energy <br />savings, the Partners' Budgets set forth in Exhibit B may be reallocated or adjusted <br />at any time by the Utility at its sole discretion, based upon the Utility's evaluation of <br />the City's commitment to, and progress toward the Program energy savings target, <br />other general objectives, goals, and milestones set forth herein. <br />10.1.2. Tracking: The Utility will track Program Expenditures against the objectives set <br />forth in Section 4.2 hereof, including tracking (or estimating) achievement towards <br />the specific energy savings targets set forth in Exhibit B, and will provide such <br />tracking information to the City on a regular basis, but in no event less than <br />quarterly. The tracking will enable the Utility to: (i) properly monitor and allocate <br />the Authorized Partnership Budget among all Utility Local Govermnent <br />Partnerships according to their individual performance and achievement of <br />respective goals and objectives, (ii) confirm or amend the Partner's Budget, set forth <br />in Exhibit B hereto, based on Program's performance of the goals and objectives set <br />forth in this Agreement; <br />10.1.3. Partner's Budget Adjustment: The Parties acknowledge that this Program is <br />offered in furtherance of the Commission's strategic energy efficiency goals for <br />California and is based on the City's agreement to help achieve such goals and its <br />desire to provide leadership to its community. To this end, in the event that the <br />Utility determines, in its sole discretion and through the tracking mechanism set <br />forth in Section 10. 1.2 above, that the City is not performing in accordance with the <br />goals and objectives set forth in this Agreement, then the Utility shall have the <br />unilateral right to reduce, eliminate, or otherwise adjust the Partner's Budget for the <br />remaining Program year or years (other than for Program Expenditures previously <br />committed by the City and approved by the Utility) by amending Exhibit B and <br />providing the amended Exhibit B to the City. Pursuant to this Section, any such <br />amended Exhibit B shall automatically be incorporated into this Agreement and take <br />effect thirty (3 0) days after delivery from the Utility to the City. <br />10.1.4. Partner's Budget Categories <br /> Non - Incentive Budget: The Partner's Budget is comprised of a non - <br />incentive portion which includes separate categories for Marketing, Education <br />& Outreach, Technical Assistance and Direct Implementation, all of which are <br />more fully described in the Program Implementation Plan. <br /> Incentive Budget: Incentives will be paid out of SCG's core program <br />budget at the then current rates and terms; however, the Partner will be eligible <br />for incentives from SCG's Calculated Program up to 80% of project costs. <br />10.2. Program Expenditures. The City, with SCG's prior approval, shall be entitled to <br />spend authorized funds, within the limits of the Partner's Budget on Program <br />Expenditures. The City shall not be entitled to reimbursement of Program Expenditures <br />for any item (i) not specifically identifiable to the Program, (ii) not previously approved <br />2013 -14 Santa Ana Partnership Agreement 9 <br />