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SIEMENS <br />INDUSTRY, Inc. <br />The Customer acknowledges that when approved by the Customer and accepted by Siemens Industry, Inc.: (1) the Proposal and the Contract <br />Terms and Conditions, (together with any other documents Incorporated Into the forgoing) shall constitute the entire agreement of the parties with <br />respect to Its subject matter (collectively, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement') and (ii) In the event of any conflict between the terms and <br />conditions of the Proposal and the terms and conditions of The Contract Terms and Conditions, the Contract Terms and Conditions shall control, <br />BY EXECUTION HEREOF, THE SIGNER CERTIFIES THAT (S)HE HAS READ ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND DOCUMENTS, THAT SIEMENS <br />INDUSTRY, INC. OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE MADE NO AGREEMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS EXCEPT AS SET FORTH THEREIN, AND THAT <br />(S)HE IS DULY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SIGNATURE PAGE ON BEHALF OF THE CUSTOMER, <br />SERVICE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (REV. W091 Included In the SCrvlcea are IMINd to mstahg the proper wardna conditl on of <br />Artrcrat: (Aebarer such Covered Equipment. SIEMENS Cost not be obligated to provide <br />f.1 (a) This Agreement Constitutes the ontira, ocmplpta and axaladva mpleme t Covered Equipment that represents dijanIOan1 capital <br />agreement between the tactics relating to the evMoas I"9ervlea4g) to be Improvement a.mmmd to the original. Ewhangad or removed components <br />pmvided by SIEMENS and superseder and cancels at prior prapossts, become the property of SIEMENS, except Hazardous Materials, which under <br />ROmemerts and mnderstondings,' adgen or Oral, relating bothe subject Madera all clmumstanCes mrniln tna property andresponsibitty of customer. <br />this Agreement. Neither party may asslan the Agreement a any Attila or 3" UNSas agreed eM*Iwlse, SSMpea no owl Incaid0 end 81EMEN5 Is not <br />abhgattons hereunder without the pour written consent a1 the other except that mcconsitda fa (a): (s) service or provision of coreumebl0 etpptes. inducting <br />either party may assign this Agreemerer to Its affiliate, and SIEMENS may but nW girdled " batteries and As <br />cylinder ocasio occasional' Ib) reinstallation or <br />grant a seeVnty Interest in Me proceeds to be paiq to SIEMENS under Ihls r,,.Catbn o1 Covomd Equlpmerd; tel pal A` " fefinlsNn9 of Coveretl <br />Airs ompnf; assign prooecds,of the Agm cowl: and/or use subconlrectors In EqulPMad or "A"Amtling sudaees; (d) chaagas to SsMCas; (e) pans, <br />performance of the Services. Thu terms and conditions of this Agreement shall aceassodes, aitachmems ar alirer davloes ecHed to Covered EgdpmsH but <br />not be modified or rescinded accept In wrideg, Wiry the PA., approval al the oat Nmlehad till SIEMENS: U) tattoo fa conllnualy proNtla suitable operating <br />LaaggSI Dapedmemts of SIEMENS and Customer and signed by duly agohm ed 6nNmtxnem A Wding. but not ltm8etl to, adequate space, vahnlatioh, Us <br />Of am or mergers of SIEMENS end CUdamcr. power and Pro teCUOn as the d'gor a; pr( g) the removal or relletatlallon of <br />(b) Nelhing oonkeined In this AgraemaM shot be ocowsead to give any, rights raplacpmant valves, dampen, walerfluw _rAMa, venting Is drulninp systems. <br />or benefits to anyone other than the Customer and SIEMENS wtlrrout the aIEMEFIS is not reopensM1. for aervlce. PC Atgd on any Covered <br />express written consort of both padres. All provisions of gds Agreement Equipment atherihem by SIEMENS arils eganis. <br />Bilucaling msponstbllily or Ilablllly between iha portico shah otawvg The 3.8 Tho SeMCSe 0n011 ba partofman 1pamMfner CaaBlelam Wlthlhe tlagrae of <br />cemplMim of be BpMeea and terminellon of this Agreement. care arum skill ordinarily exercised by persons performing file same or simper <br />1c) Certain leme, end Conditions sustained herein maynot appyto the SeMces SeMdes In the same locale under Netter akcumslemes and condSM,, <br />to be provided hereunder. If Is Inc intent of the parties, however. that the Sri SIEMENS shall perform the SeMces during its boat, normal wormng <br />Interpretation to be given to the terms end nondgWhs Is to appy M tams and hours. Vnfcea, aMerwlge stated In this Agreement. <br />coaatl"seadass cleanylnappicable given the type of Servieve Included. 3.7 SIEMENS Is not required to conduct safety or other assts, Install or <br />1.2 TNS Agrearrent shed be advanced byvnd Mohamed in eedoadance with the maiNdn any devices or equlpment of make modifications" upgrades to any <br />laws of iha Slate of 0mis. Any 11ligatlon arising under this Agreement shah be equpment beyond the scope of this AumenadH. Any mryNst to change Iha <br />brouphd In IN Slate a Commonwealth In which The SaMOes are provided to scope Or the nature of the Sarvlces mot be In the faro of a mAb* agreed <br />Customer. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE PARTIES WAIVE change order, 6110onve only when eanulod by egponleo haroto, <br />ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL ON MATTERS ARISING OUT OF THIS 3.8 Ala mports and drawings specifically prepared fa and deliverable to <br />AGREEMENT. Customer pursuant to this Agreement CUeldrembre¢") gnat become Customers' <br />1.3 Atlatix WWholMWft INACITemL thla A.geameNShay OdtatiydllCay maaCN br property Vpors 11,11 payment to SIEMENS. SIEMENS may retain file copies of <br />sucaessFre prayesrpwfotlebaglr6dltg on lnB RmNarsarydaleonha lmlalTama wdaas such Dellv4ra . NI other reports, notes. calculBllons, date. drawings, <br />waledpllcrwiseMMeAgepmerd. eatlmdiec, specifications, Mawels, other documents and ah computer <br />f4 protmms, codes end computerized metedels Prepared by a fa SIEMENS ere <br />or ale Iha and of a mnavml lane by dsing Me other party at kart shby(60)days prior inslmmepts vi SIEMENS' work (7neln + merven and shah remain SIEMENS <br />written notice of suchanxndmdis"edent not to renew. NOPOdy. Siemens Conveys no M4110 to software unless Oshawa. expressly <br />16 B. duNg aw(girt 90 days Sher ga nvm of lNs Agmemert, Customer angapss provided In Mrs Agreement. Ad Oekvembed end Instruments provided to <br />sell SIEMENS arp10yae who lens Perceived verk undmlNaaery Diner npoamard Cusbmar are for PemdlWd Users' use only for the purposes dlselased to <br />bo4mcn Obign er and SIEMENS. Custanadmllpay SIEMENS anem m!egrmlfo SIEMENS, antl Customer slash not tmnsfor them to others or use roam or <br />d:aacdo Ilb 'averad Eerelsarevir caning; them to be used foramr Adeeslon, ofthe S.McesoriuyoC.,parpoip, <br />Article 3: OawredEgmgamene wilhoul SIEMENS' express written Concept. Any reuse of OdIvembhs or <br />2.4 Gbvarnf equ/pmanl" shall moan that equipment expressy Identified as Instruments for orer projects or locations without the uriaep Condom of <br />System CamponsMe In this Agreement. The Customer represents Mat Al the SIEMEN5, or use by any party other noun Porinif users, WIl be at resulted <br />commencement of this Agreement of Covered Equipment is to sansrnoon, Users' agile risk and eAMeul facility to at -W. in addnarle airy enter <br />working condition and COmppes wish dl ap�Gabfe codes. rights SIEMENS may have, customer shop Indemnify, defend and hold <br />21 If rho floe or ate safety system Is Inveighed as pad of the Covered SIEMENS harmless from any deims, braes or damages arsing therefrom <br />Equipment does nW comply with all applicable codas at g removal of any 3.0 Customer oaknowledges that SIEMENS, in ISO hamlet conduct of Its <br />Covered EMeement from sdvv.q,worddu mpbmi a orimpairthe lnmgrRyor believes, MAY use concepts. skills and lamp how developed while perfunning <br />the compliance With law or any system or SoNcos, and Customer falls to lake agaer contracts. Copartner ac8nouSdges the parson which may accrue to It <br />careEllve action, then SIEMENS may teminate We Agreement Wftul rather rough [his practice, and Maddeningly agrees Mal anything In this Agreement <br />obligation and retain ell Monies moelved pursuant to this Agreement, rrohwlllstonrIng Stamens may continuo, Without peymeid of a royalty, this <br />2.2 All testing and Inspection of any Covered Equipment provided for in this Piedras of using concepts, sods out lawevhow dvedaped onto performing this <br />Agreement will be performed at the this and price and In the member deemed Agreement, <br />apprapdale, by SIEMENS, In Becardanee with appNGabk lew apt the 310 Whalo SCrvICEs Inctak energy ennsutng, any osdarduse a probabm <br />raqulremints of Iran current National faro Pmlacllan Association CAIMA") construction or implementation costs, financier evaNallons, ieesWlliry dd[hea or <br />guidelines it applicable, end other relevant standards. Customer Is solely aconorMo analyses prepared by SIEMENS. Ihs documents prepemd for the <br />prospered. for, mad hereby Indemrifies min holds SIEMENS nearness from arstamer will mpro$dit SIEMENS' best judgment based on SIEMENS' <br />and against, any hsbltly arising from Customer's 9pecin0all of A leaving expenMCO and the fnfoenbnOr HASWaby available Io SIEMENS at the time <br />ochedulo othorinon then dcaend NFPA or other appllcabb standards "laws. that trip SaMCas are peNecmad. CUSlomef aaknowletlges that SIEMENS does <br />2.4 )f the Covered Squlpment is oWn d or moved by any person, including not control: (R) the coelvonabor, mutodels, equlpmenl ar aaMapv fumistred by <br />Custonar, other than SIEMENS or a person aushemood by it, Customer shah *then-, (b) overall n geteM conditions or, is) cenlmcion0 methods of <br />Immediately noliry SIEMEIJS in writing, and SIEMENS reserves the right to determining paces. Acamdiugly. Customer acknowledges that proposal&, bids <br />Perform a mocceptaoas loCl'on, or, If neca aary. a maommi65NNag of Mp or actual costa Mey riff" from opinlans, avaluetions or studies submigad by <br />system Of Customer's expense. Reaccaplairm tests will be ped"med in SIEMENS gs part ofihe Servtoms provided hamumbe, <br />accordance with then current NFPA or other applicable requirements, and 7.11 Wnem 3aMces Include EMC, SIEMENS will have a disaster recovery <br />shamed on a time end malell.N nazis ..m.. ... . w,e. — ..— ,...._... _._ <br />a.z 3r oebrr snag nave no aamilly or obligation to Continue providing (a) DesignaleacwAact pee o n Athaugwriylamakedecisiamfar Customer <br />5ervtaes In the event Customer falls to (a) authorize a reaccadanne last or regarding use essence and provide SIEMENS with Infomallon sufficient to <br />recommissioning that SIEMENS reasonably dooms nOCeosory; tb) notify VOAapl sudf person In an ebrand". If such repMenlaMe cannot be <br />SIEMENS of any modifications or ohani to the Covered Equipment or reached, any tgwvst for SeMoas received firm a person located of <br />unusual or material& changed operating oondlliaos. hours of usage, system Customers site will be deemed Midarbed by Cusbmao, and SIEMENSwI9, In <br />malfunctions orbubdIng Wlomtlonothet may affect the SeMces;(r,) provide the itsmoradnetra discretion, ad acaodingiy; <br />access to any site where Services ore to be performed; or(d)spumes, soMne (b) Provldo or em mi without cost an mxsonable provisions, means and <br />or Malmaln the Covered Equlpmerd in accmrdame wish nanuk.t.rer's 1,r access for SIEMENS to any slip and the iMapmenl where Services em m be <br />supplives husudlons or this Agreement. After airy of the aforesaid sworn, performed; <br />SIEMENS MAY terminate or suspend services under this Agreement <br />ImmedlalCy, upon riving rwUOe f9 CU51omof. (c) Permit SIEMENS to control and /or "Arab, ant controls, Systems. <br />3.2 Any regalia, aid replacements of Covered Equlpmentas maybe axpmosy apparatus, equlpmerl end machkany, necessary to perform lhu Servlcos; <br />Siemens Industry, Inc., Building Technologies OlYlslan Sarvlce only 2068 <br />Siemens Confidential and proprietary <br />