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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C -3 -2084 <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />KRAEMER BOULEVARD / GLASSELL STREET / GRAND AVENUE — TSSP <br />CONSULTANT shall prepare a memorandum comparing the results of the 'Before' and 'After' field <br />study with reference to the specific MOE's and present the findings to the Board. CONSULTANT <br />shall also provide at least two public video travel time presentations (Transportation Commission <br />Meeting and City Council Meeting). CONSULTANT shall finalize the memorandum based on <br />comments received from the APM and other involved AGENCIES. <br />Deliverables -- Task 6:. <br />1. Memorandum comparing the results of the 'Before' and 'After' studies, to be distributed to <br />OCTA Board as an item. More detailed analysis of project results to be included in Task 8: <br />project report. <br />2. Presentation to the Board of the 'Before' and 'After' study comparison. <br />3. Synchronized Video with graphical travel time presentation to at least 2 public meetings <br />(Transportation Commission Meeting and City Council Meeting or equivalent. Maximum <br />number of meetings shall be equal to 2 per participating AGENCY (note: this requirement may be <br />deleted as determined by the PARTIES)) <br />4. Electronic versions of all data files and memorandum. <br />Task 7: Synchronization System Construction — Agency Specific <br />General: <br />All work and equipment supplied for PROJECT shall comply and be done in accordance with all <br />provisions of 2010 Section 86 of the State of California Standard Specifications as amended herein <br />and the State of California Standard Plans as amended herein or on Construction Plans for <br />PROJECT. <br />CONSULTANT shall coordinate with each AGENCY of the PROJECT to assess special <br />construction requirements, needs and desires, either known and proposed or previously <br />unforeseen or unknown but necessary to complete the project including: <br />1. GPS time clocks at Central, Field Master, and Local Intersection Controller Assemblies; <br />2. The replacement and /or modifications to intersection controller assemblies and /or units; <br />3. New Central Systems or Modifications or upgrades from closed loop system to central <br />system hardware, firmware, and software, <br />4. Modifications, additions; or repair of missing or damaged signal synchronization <br />infrastructure and other assets to be determined. (See Exhibit B or Appendices for the <br />matrix for each AGENCY as to what is currently proposed to be constructed. See Task 3: <br />Field Review, Plans Specifications and Estimates, Design Standards and Requirements for <br />allowed systems and sub systems, sole source, and design requirements for all equipment <br />to be installed.); and <br />Attention is directed to Section 86 —1.05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. <br />Section 86 — 1.05 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE is removed in entirety and replaced with Section <br />86 —1.05 WARRANTIES, GUARANTIES and INSTRUCTION SHEETS as follows: <br />Manufacturers' warranties and guaranties furnished for materials used in the work and <br />instruction sheets and parts lists supplied with materials shall be delivered to the owning <br />AGENCY prior to acceptance of the project. CONSULTANT, sub — consultant, and vendors' <br />of equipment and material on PROJECT shall provide to the owning AGENCY the following <br />Warranties and Guaranties: <br />Page A - 12 <br />