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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C -3 -2084 <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />KRAEMER BOULEVARD / GLASSELL STREET / GRAND AVENUE — TSSP <br />a. ONE (1) YEAR GUARANTEE on LABOR and MATERIAL for all equipment furnished, installed, <br />and /or modified <br />b. THREE (3) YEAR GUARANTEE on Firmware and Software Patches, Fixes, Updates, and <br />Upgrades for <br />• Central Systems Control and Communications, <br />• Field Master, and Local intersection controller units <br />Maintenance Contracts or extra fees for these specific tasks and deliverables shall not be - <br />allowed nor charged to any PARTY or AGENCY by either the CONSULTANT, his /her Sub — <br />Consultants, and /or vendors /suppliers, either jointly or severally, of the specified systems and <br />related components for this service or task. <br />Enforcement of Standard Warranties or Guaranties for hardware and software or firmware <br />specified heretofore shall be the sole responsibility of the AGENCY receiving the equipment. <br />Attention is directed to Section 86 — 8 PAYMENT, Section 86 - 8.01 PAYMENT is included herein in <br />entirety with the following additions: <br />Add: All work and equipment supplied and /or necessary for PROJECT, including all labor and <br />insurances, to make PROJECT operate as designed and intended shall be included in the <br />lump sum price for PROJECT. No additional compensation for same shall be allowed, <br />therefore. All work and equipment including labor and insurances for maintaining and <br />operating existing electrical facilities including communications equipment shall be included in <br />the lump sum price for PROJECT. No additional compensation for same shall be allowed, <br />therefore. Electrical energy service costs and regular maintenance costs for PROJECT <br />facilities under construction shall be borne by the owning AGENCY. Maintenance costs for <br />PROJECT facilities caused by damage from public shall be borne by the owning AGENCY. <br />Maintenance costs caused by damage from CONSULTANT or sub — consultants, and /or <br />vendors shall be borne solely by CONSULTANT. <br />Deliverables — Task 7: <br />1. Procure and install any and all equipment as specified but within budget for the PROJECT as <br />proposed in the SOW and Attachments or Appendices. <br />2. Negotiate with APM and AGENCY representatives on alternative procurements or substitutions <br />as deemed necessary during the course of the PROJECT. <br />3. AS BUILT Plans and Specifications. <br />4. All WARRANTIES and GUARANTIES as specified <br />Task 8: Continuing Signal Timing Support <br />CONSULTANT will provide "on- call" signal timing support services for a period of two years or 24 <br />months following the implementation and fine — tuning of the final signal timing plans, Task 5, to <br />address any future adjustments that may be needed during this period. Depending on the nature of <br />the adjustment, CONSULTANT may accomplish the fine- tuning adjustments remotely from the <br />Consultant's office through the traffic management systems. During this 24 -month period <br />CONSULTANT will be prepared to review any project intersection requested by the PARTIES within <br />(24) hours of written notice, including observing and fine- tuning the signal timing. <br />CONSULTANT will drive the length of the project arterial during all designated corridor <br />synchronization timing plan hours of .operation on a monthly basis in order to verify that the <br />synchronization timing is working as designed, and complete any necessary adjustments. Monthly <br />driving times will consist of a full 12 -hour weekday and a 4 -hour Saturday. CONSULTANT shall notify <br />APM 24 hours prior to commencement of driving periods. <br />Page A - 13 <br />