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a. As a oonditian of such payment, the Executive Director may require Contractor to deliver to the City <br />all work product completed as of such date, and iu such case such work product shall be property of <br />the City unless prohibited by law, and Contractor consents to the City's use thereof for such purposes <br />as the City deems appropriate, <br />b. payment need not be made for work which fails to meet the standard of performance speolfied in the <br />Recitals of this Agreement. <br />14. DISCRIMINATION <br />Contractor shall not discriminate because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual <br />orientation, age, national mmgha, ancestry, or disability, as defined and prohibited by applicable law, in the <br />recruitment, selection, training, utilization, promotion, termination or other employment related activities, <br />Contractor affirms that it is an Nual opportunity employer and shall comply with all applicable federal, <br />State and local laws and regulations. <br />15. JURISDICTION— VENUE <br />Thus Agroornent has been executed and delivered in the State of Califoriva and the validity, interpretation, <br />performance, and enforcement of any of the clauses of this Agreoment shall be determined and governed by <br />the laws of the State of California, Both parties further agree that Orange County, California, shall be the <br />venue for any action or proceeding that may be brought or arise out of, in connection with or by reason of this <br />Agreemont. <br />16. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES <br />Contractor shall, throughout the term of this Agreement, maintain all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, <br />waivers, and exemptions necessary for the prevision of services hereunder and required by the laws and <br />regulations of the United Sates, the State of California, the City of Santa Ana and all other govcnaneutal <br />agencies, Contractor shall notify the City immediately and in writing of its inability to obtain or maintain such <br />permits, licenses, approvals, waivers, and exemptions. Said 'inability shall be cause for termination of this <br />Agreement. <br />17. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to persons and /ronl or tangible; property that occur <br />as a result of the fault or negligence of said Contractor or its subcontractors, agents, employees, or <br />other persons acting can their behalf in connection with theperfonnance of this Agreement, <br />18. FAILURE TO PERFORM SATISFACTORILY <br />a, Contmetor acknowledges and agrees that subject to the notice provisions In Artiole 11 and except in <br />cases of force majeure, if the Contractor fails to perform the work as specified horcin, the Director, 1) will pay <br />only for the amount of servieo received as determined by the Director with an appropriate downward <br />adjustment in contract price, or 2) may have such required work done by City forces or otherwise, and charge <br />the cost thereof to the Contractor. <br />Such adjustments will be the estimated cost for performance by City forces plus City overhead and will <br />include overtime pay as required to complete work.. <br />h, If Contractor performs the work in such a manner that the amount of payment withheld due to <br />substandard performance, nonperformance and /or forfeiture for non-completion per schedule totals five <br />percent "(5 %) of the total contract price, the City shall notify the Contractor of such noncompliance, if the <br />Contractor continues to perform the work in such a manner that the amount of payment withheld due to <br />substandard perfhrnranee, nonperformance and/or forfeiture for non-completion per schedule totals ton <br />percent (10 0/0) ofdw total oowntot price, this Agreement may be terminated at the City's option. In the event <br />of termination for tntsatisf,'actory perforrttanco, the original Contractor shall relrnbnrsc the City for damage; <br />