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accrued clue to changing contractors. <br />T9. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS <br />All work performed under this contract shall be performed in such a manner as to provide required <br />maximum, safety to the public and where applicable, comply with all safety standards required by CAL. <br />OSHA. The Director reserves the right to issue restraint or cease and desist orders to the Contractor when <br />unsafe or harmfitl acts are observed or reported relative to the performance of the work under this contract, <br />20, HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS <br />The Contractor shall maintain all work sites free of hazards to persons and /or property resulting from its <br />operations. Any hazardous condition noted by the Contractor, which is not a result of its operations, shall <br />be immediately reported to the Public Works Agency, <br />21. PROTECTION AND RESTORA'T'ION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS <br />The Contractor shalt be responsible for the protection of all improvements adjacent to the work, such <br />as sprinkler systems, coiling tiles, walls, plaster, lighting fixtures etc., located on the property. I£ any <br />improvements are damaged they shall be replaced in kind at the Contractor's expense. <br />22, WORT` 131' CITY FORCES BECAUSE 01r NONCOM , ORMANCE'T'O CONTRACT <br />Should the Contractor fail to coiTeot deficiencies or public nuisances that have been created because of its <br />operation, then such deficiency or public nuisance will be considered to be of all emergency nature and cause <br />the City to make corrective work. Such work will be done on a force account basis with an additional eallout <br />charge of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each eallout, <br />23. APPRENTICESHIP STANDARDS <br />Where required under law, Contractor shall assurne full responsibility for compliance with <br />apprenticeship standards as established by Section 1777.5 of the California State Labor Code, <br />24, SUBCONTRACTORS <br />The Contractor shall not, without the written consent of the City: <br />a. Substitute any person or firm as subcontractor in place of the subcontractor designated in the <br />original proposal, <br />b. Permit any subcontract to be assigned or transferred or allow it to be perforated by anyone other <br />than the original subcontractor listed hn the proposal. <br />c, Subcontract any portion of the work after bid is submitted if the cost thereof exceeds one -half (1/2) <br />of one (1) percent of tho total proposal and a subcontractor was not designated for the work in the original <br />proposal. <br />25. MISCELL.ANI;OUS PROVISIONS <br />a. Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signature herein below has the power, authority and right <br />to bind their respective parties to each of the terms of this Agreement, and shall indemnify City fully, including <br />reasonable costs aril attorney's fees, for any injuries or damages to City in the event that such authority or <br />power is not, in fact, hold by the signatory or is withdrawn. <br />