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}l • " loll <br />All covemages of this , olicy_.are suhiact to tfofollowing conditions,__ <br />A. Cancellation <br />1. The first Named Insured shown in the <br />Declarations may cancel this policy by mailing <br />or delivering to us advance written notice of <br />" cancellation. <br />w <br />2. We may cancel this policy by mailing or <br />delivering to the first Named Insured written <br />Ln notice of cancellation at least: <br />H a. 5 days before the effective date of <br />cancellation if any one of the following <br />n <br />� conditions exists at any building that is <br />Covered Property In this policy: <br />(1) The building has been vacant or <br />unoccupied 60 or rrnore consecutive <br />days. This does not apply to: <br />(a) Seasonal unacoupancy;or <br />(b) Buildings in the course of <br />construction, renovation or <br />addition. <br />Buildings with 65% or more of the <br />rental units or floor area vacant or <br />unoccupied are considered <br />unoccupied underthis provision. <br />(2) After damage by a Covered Cause of <br />Lass, permanent repairs to the <br />building: <br />(a) Have not started; and <br />(b) Have not been contracted for, <br />within 30 days of initial payment of <br />loss. <br />(3) The building has: <br />(a) An outstanding order to vacate; <br />(b) An outstanding demolition order; <br />or <br />(c) Been declared unsafe by <br />governmental authority. <br />MW (4) Fixed and salvageable items have <br />been or are being removed from tine <br />building and are not being replaced. <br />Tits does not apply to such removal <br />that is necessary or incidental to any <br />u renovation or remodeling. <br />Form 56 00 05 10 08 <br />now <br />(5) Failuro lc: <br />(a) Furnish necessary heat, water, <br />sewer service or alectricity for 30 <br />consecutive days or more, except <br />during a period of seasonal <br />unoccupancy; or <br />(b) Pay property taxes that are owing <br />and have been ©utstandirng for <br />more then one year following the <br />date due, except that this <br />provislon will not apply where you <br />are In a bona fide dispute with the <br />taxing authority regarding payment <br />of such taxes, <br />b, 10 days before the effective date of <br />cancellation If we cancel for nonpayment <br />of premium. <br />c. 30 days before the effective date of <br />cancellation if we cancel for any other <br />reason. <br />3. We will mail or deliver our notice to the first <br />Named insured's last malting address known <br />to us. <br />4. Notice of cancellation will state the effective <br />date of cancellation. The policy period will end <br />on that date. <br />5. If this policy is canceled, we will send the first <br />Named Insured any premium refund due. <br />Such refund will be pro rata, If the first Named <br />Insured cancels, the refund may be less than <br />pro rata. The cancellation will be effective oven <br />If vie have not made or offered a refund. <br />G. If notice i5 mailed, proof of mailing will be <br />sufficient proof of notice. <br />S. Changes <br />Tills policy contains all the agreements between you <br />and us concerning the Insurance afforded. The first <br />Named Insured shown in the Declarations is <br />authorized to make changes in the terms of this policy <br />with our consent. This policy's terms can be <br />amended or waived only by endorsement issued <br />by us and made a part of this policy. <br />0 2008, The Hartford <br />(Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Cervices Office. Inc. with its permission) <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />