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CUP Nos. 2013 -21, 2013 -22 & 2013 -23 <br />August 11, 2014 <br />Page 3 <br />Project Backaround <br />The Empire Market Building was constructed in the Art Deco style in 1933 at a time when Art <br />Deco /Streamline Moderne styles of architecture were very popular. The building has been occupied <br />by a variety of retail businesses and office uses on the upper floors. The Last Call on Broadway <br />restaurant will be an independently owned restaurant specializing in small plate cuisine, salads, and <br />hot sandwiches. The previous tenant was a theater. <br />General Plan and Zoning Consistency <br />The General Plan land use designation for the site is District Center (DC). District Center areas are <br />designed to serve as anchors for the City's commercial corridors, and to accommodate major <br />development activity. District Centers are to be developed with an urban character including a mix of <br />office, commercial and residential land uses including other restaurants with ABC licenses. The <br />project site is consistent with this General Plan land use designation. <br />The zoning for the site is the Transit Zoning Code's Specific District 84 (SD -84). The SD -84 zoning <br />district allows for retail and service uses such as restaurants, making the proposed use consistent <br />with the zoning code. <br />Project Analysis <br />Conditional use permit requests are governed by Section 41 -638 of the SAMC. Conditional use permit <br />requests may be granted when it can be shown that the following can be established: <br />• That the proposed use will provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well <br />being of the neighborhood or community. <br />• That the proposed use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to <br />the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. <br />• That the proposed use will not adversely affect the present economic stability or future economic <br />development of properties surrounding the area. <br />• That the proposed use will comply with the regulations and conditions specified in Chapter 41 for <br />such use. <br />• That the proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City or any specific plan <br />applicable to the area of the proposed use. <br />31A-5 <br />