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McEwen, President); and (19) all Historic Resources Commission ad hoc committee meeting <br />attendees. Whenever possible, each of these organizations was also contacted by phone. Despite <br />these extensive public outreach efforts, the City received no calls and /or emails expressing <br />interest in purchasing the Sexlinger Property for restoration or relocation proposes. <br />In a third attempt at preservation, City staff explored possible sites for the relocation of <br />the historic building to an off-site location. No private individuals or organizations contacted the <br />City or the property owners with sites that could be used for relocation purposes. Nor did the <br />City's independent examination of potentially available sites yield any solutions. <br />In October 2012, the Historic Resources Commission received an update from the ad hoc <br />committee on the status of the investigation, and the public was provided another opportunity to <br />bring forward new information and resources for restoration or relocation of the Sexlinger <br />Property. No significant new information or resources were presented. <br />The foregoing comprehensive efforts to encourage preservation of the historic resources <br />on the Sexlinger Property were reported to the Historic Resources Commission, and were the <br />subject of a duly noticed public hearing before that body on January 24, 2013. The Historic <br />Resources Commission, after hearing all of the evidence, and considering all of the <br />correspondence and public testimony, expressly "determined that neither private preservation nor <br />relocation is a feasible alternative to demolition given the limited timeframe available."' The <br />Historic Resources Commission's determination was appealable to the City Council, but no <br />appeal was filed. Therefore, the Historic Resources Commission's determination regarding the <br />feasibility of preservation became final and conclusive. <br />The applicant responded to the City's efforts to encourage preservation of the property <br />through the sale to an entity seeking to re- establish an orchard there. To that end, in August of <br />2012, representatives of the property owners sent The Old Orchard Conservancy a letter <br />outlining the terns under which the religious institutions would consider a sale of the Sexlinger <br />Property on or before December 31, 2012. The property owners and The Old Orchard <br />Conservancy participated in a series of subsequent conversations and correspondence in late <br />2012, through which the deadline to enter into a letter of intent to purchase the property was <br />extended to February 15, 2013, and the deadline to enter into a purchase agreement for the <br />property was extended to March 15, 2013. Both of those dates were beyond the 240 - day time <br />period for investigating the feasibility of preservation as set forth in the Historic Preservation <br />Ordinance. <br />The February 15, 2013 and March 15, 2013 dates passed without any significant progress <br />by the Old Orchard Conservancy towards a purchase of the Sexlinger Property for preservation <br />proposes. In fact, in a January 7, 2013 letter to the Historic Resources Commission, The Old <br />Orchard Conservancy confirmed that it had, to that point, not raised sufficient funds to enter into <br />a purchase agreement with the owners.2 <br />1 The `limited fineframe" is a reference to the 240 days (i.e., eight months) within which the <br />Historic Resources Commission must complete its feasibility evaluation for demolition permits. <br />' As of the date of this submittal —fully 17 months after the August 2012 letter —The Old <br />Orchard Conservancy still has not made any meaningful progress toward a purchase agreement <br />-3- <br />75A-89 <br />