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EXHIBIT B <br />SANTA ANA WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD <br />POLICY BULLETIN <br />Grievance Complaint Procedures -Non Criminal <br />Effective: 7/112001 Number: SA17 Revised: 9 -7 -06 <br />Replaces: 07/01 <br />I. POLICY STATEMENT <br />Job training funds are provided to the City of Santa Ana, the Local Workforce <br />Investment Area (LWIA), under an agreement with the State of California Workforce <br />Investment Act Division /Employment Development Department. The City of Santa Ana <br />has assured the WIB /EDD that a complaint resolution procedure is available to all <br />individuals who have a complaint alleging a non - criminal violation of the Workforce <br />Investment Act (activities and programs), its regulations, grant or any agreements under <br />the Workforce Investment Act. <br />II. REFERENCES <br />Public Law 105.200: 29 U.S. Code Sec. 2931 et seq <br />WIA §181(c); 20 CFR 667.600 -640 <br />Directive WSD08 -4 <br />III. OVERVIEW <br />The following procedure is promulgated to meet the requirements of Title 20, of the <br />Code of Federal Regulations, Section 667.600 through 667.640 of the WIA regulations, <br />and Section 181 (c) of the Act (Public Law 105.200: 29 U.S. Code Sec. 2931 et seq.) at <br />LWIA level for the receipt, investigation, hearing, and resolution of complaints by WIA <br />participants, subrecipients, applicants for participation, or financial assistance, labor <br />unions, community based organizations, or any other persons. These procedures <br />provide for resolution of non - criminal complaints arising from the operation of the Santa <br />Ana LWIA. <br />A complaint is defined here as a written expression by a party alleging a violation of the <br />Act, regulations promulgated under the Act, recipient grants, sub - agreements, or other <br />specific agreements under the Act, including terms and conditions of employment of <br />such participants in employment training programs. All complaints, amendments and <br />withdrawals shall be in writing. These procedures are intended to resolve matters which <br />