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EXHIBIT B <br />concern policies, procedures or action(s) arising in connection with WIA programs <br />operated by each LWIA grant recipient and sub- recipient under the Act. <br />These procedures shall not be construed as affecting any other available legal remedy <br />outside of the WIA complaint process (i.e., disputes regarding terms and conditions of <br />employment of any employee who is not a participant), either separately or <br />simultaneously, that a person may wish to pursue in the resolution of a non -WIA <br />complaint. Also, these procedures do not restrict the LWIA grant recipient staff in <br />carrying out informal discussion and resolution of any problems outside of and without <br />resort to the formal complaint procedure. <br />IV. GRIEVANCE COMPLAINT PROCEDURES <br />A. GENERAL INFORMATION <br />All persons filing a complaint shall be free from restraint, coercion, reprisal, or <br />discrimination. Good faith efforts shall be made to informally resolve the <br />complaint prior to the scheduled hearing. Complainants have the right to <br />withdraw their complaints (in writing) at any time prior to the hearing. A <br />complainant may amend his /her complaint to correct technical deficiencies but <br />not to add issues. <br />Complainants shall have the right to be represented at their own expense by <br />person(s) of their choosing at all levels of the complaint process. <br />Upon enrollment into employment or training programs, participants shall be <br />provided with a written description of these procedures, including notification of <br />their right to file complaints and instructions for filing. <br />An employer of participants, including private - for - profit employers of participants, <br />may use this or other complaint resolution procedures so long as the participant <br />is informed of the complaint resolution procedure they are to follow and the time <br />frames governing review of complaints are met. <br />A "participant ", within the meaning of these procedures, is an individual who <br />receives employment - training services under a program funded by Santa Ana <br />LWIA. The Complaint Resolution Procedures contained herein (or the alternative <br />procedures which an employer may use) shall be available to participants to <br />resolve disputes regarding items and conditions of employment of such <br />participants in employment training programs. However, such procedures shall <br />not be used to resolve disputes regarding terms and conditions of employment of <br />any employee who is not a participant. as defined herein. <br />Complainants must initially file and exhaust LWIA grant recipient/hearing <br />procedures prior to appealing to the State except where the State determines <br />2 <br />