Laserfiche WebLink
C. Repurposing Existing Digital Content or Creating New Digital Content <br />CA List the types and formats of born - digital or existing digital content that you will create or repurpose and the <br />quantity of each. <br />Born digital material will come in the form of1PEGs from photographs, WAV files from interviews. We expect to <br />at least audio 100 interviews during the process along with a total of 800 born digital images during the project. <br />C.2 If you will be creating new born - digital content or converting existing digital content to new formats, list the <br />equipment and software that you will use to create each of these formats or the name of the services provider <br />who will perform the work. <br />Equipment used to create new born digital material includes Zoom H6 Handy Recorders, Systems Sense 3D scanners, <br />Epson Workforce DS 50000 Document scanners, and Canon DSLR cameras. The software being used will include Epson <br />Scan software, Sense software, and Picasa for minor edits. . <br />C.3 If you will be converting existing digital content to new formats, list the new digital file formats and relevant <br />information on the anticipated quality standards (e.g., sampling rate, pixel dimensions). <br />do not anticipate converting large amounts of digital materials into another format. Most of the User Generated <br />tent will either be born digital or converted from an analog source. <br />C.4 If different versions of digital content will be created during the conversion or re- purposing process (e.g., <br />'eservavon master, access copy, murrona), Ilsi Ine type, rormat, ana numuer or eacn different version. <br />Memories of Migration will work with each of the site partners to identify the best process by which at least 3 versic <br />of User Generated Content can be created and saved. The process is to include at least "Preservation Copy 1," <br />"Preservation Copy 2" (in a separate location), and an "Access Copy" (compressed file format). The project will work <br />with the participating partners to create and implement a step by step guide to be used in the final iteration of the <br />"jumpkit" with the intent of permanent retention by each participating institution and the Internet Archive. <br />Photographic preservation copies will be converted to TIFF files while access copies will be left as JPEGs. <br />Audio content will be saved as WAV file for preservation copies and as a To -Be- Determined file type for access copies. <br />3 IMLS Digital Content Supplementary Information Form <br />r1- • <br />