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D. Digital Workflow and Asset Maintenance /Preservation <br />DA Describe your quality control plan. <br />!mories of Migration will use a set of minimal requirement guidelines for all incoming material. Site supervisors will <br />responsible for checking material submitted by their institution. The Project director and technical advisors will <br />ign staff to oversee the final inclusion of material for access and preservation. <br />e Project Directors and partnership sites will work with the technical advisors to create and implement a quality <br />gtrol process for inclusion in the jumpkits. Historypins' Project Supervisor will work with their developers and Chief <br />chnology Officer to help develop a process to simplify the intake of new material for future users. <br />D.2 Describe your plan for preserving and maintaining digital assets during and after the grant period (e.g., <br />storage systems, data standards, technical documentation, migration planning, commitment of organizational <br />funding for these purposes). <br />e preservation and maintenance of our digital assets falls into 2 distinct phases. The First Active Phase includes the <br />ie frame in which the grant is active while the Second Post Phase is the period after the grant has been completed. <br />ring the Active Phase of the project staff will store digital assets according to pre - established workflow patterns at <br />ch library location. The Santa Ana Public Library maintains its digital material on an internal server maintained by <br />y IT staff. There is a backed up mirror copy that can be used in case of an emergency. Additional copies of the digital <br />;ets are saved on external hard drives located in the Santa Ana History Room (SAHR) Archive. Digital Materials are <br />red as preservation copies of TIFF, WAV, and MTS files. Migration of materials occurs every 5 years in conjunction <br />th the creation of a city wide 5 year strategic survey and is part of general work duties of the SAHR archive. No <br />ditional funding is necessary. Similar processes are in effect at the 3 other locations and will remain part of the <br />E. Metadata <br />EA Describe how you will produce metadata (e.g., technical, descriptive, administrative, preservation). Specify <br />which standards you will use for the metadata structure (e.g., MARC, Dublin Core, Encoded Archival <br />Description, PBCore, PREMIS) and metadata content (e.g., thesauri). <br />UGC, simple metadata will be created during the ingestion process, using simple fields that can be mapped to <br />lin Core, or the Europeana Data Model. <br />;t staff will look to ways to adapt the recommendations of The Smithsonian's Embedded Metadata Working <br />into the eventual jumpkit workflow process. Their guidelines will serve as a starting point for the discussion of <br />lata requirements that will be utilized during the project. More information can be found here: <br />/ / guidelines /GuldelinesEmbeddedMetadata.pdf <br />UGC will not utilize a controlled vocabulary but will rather emphasize the use of user created folksonomies to <br />4 IMLS Digital Content Supplementary Information Form <br />20B -97 <br />