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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />o Santa Ana Boulevard at Lacy Street (install traffic signal) <br />• Real -time bus schedule information at high - volume transit stops (e.g., Flower Street and 6th <br />Street, Santa Ana Boulevard and Main Street) <br />• Improvements to transit stop amenities (benches, shelters, kiosks, sidewalk connections, <br />etc.) along the Santa Ana Boulevard and Main Street corridors <br />• Improvements to bicycle and pedestrian circulation to promote safe, convenient and <br />attractive connectivity between the transit system and surrounding neighborhoods and <br />activity centers , including accommodating bicycles on all buses, providing real time bus <br />arrival information via internet and mobile devices, installing bicycle storage facilities at <br />SARTC and the Harbor/Westminster stop, and providing study area maps /walking guides on <br />all buses. <br />Findings for TSM Alternative <br />The City of Santa Ana finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other <br />considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment opportunities for highly <br />trained workers, make infeasible the TSM Alternative identified in the EA/DEIR (CEQA <br />Guidelines 15091(a)(3)). Although the TSM Alternative would result in less- than - significant <br />environmental impacts, it would not provide the desired levels of mobility and accessibility for <br />the community. The daily ridership for the TSM Alternative was projected to be 3,100 in 2035, <br />as opposed to 6,100 under the proposed project. In addition, the TSM Alternative would not <br />foster economic development opportunities, promote sustainable transportation investments to <br />respond to the needs of the community, or deliver travel, benefits, reliability, and choice to the <br />public transportation system. Therefore, the TSM Alternative would not be consistent with the <br />goals and objectives for the proposed project. For these reasons, the City of Santa Ana rejects <br />this alternative. <br />Streetcar Alternative 1 <br />Streetcar Alternative 1 (proposed project) would utilize the PE ROW, an abandoned and vacant <br />rail right -of -way owned by the OCTA, through the western half of its alignment and generally <br />operate along Santa Ana Boulevard, and 4th Street on the way to SARTC. The 4.2 -mile <br />alignment would include 12 stations and it is anticipated that the streetcar system would operate <br />seven days a week with 10- minute headways during peak periods and 15- minute headways <br />during off -peak periods. The streetcars would be electrically powered using an overhead <br />contact system and a series of TPSS located intermittently along the alignment. <br />Findings for Streetcar Alternative 1 <br />Streetcar Alternative 1 has no substantial differences in the severity of environmental impacts <br />when compared to the other alternatives. The purpose of the proposed project is to provide a <br />new east -west transit line in Orange County between the SARTC in the City of Santa Ana and <br />the Harbor Boulevard /Westminster Avenue intersection in the City of Garden Grove. The <br />primary objectives of the proposed project are as follows: <br />• To improve transit connectivity within the Study Area; <br />• To relieve congestion by providing alternative mobility options; <br />32 January 2015 <br />75A -42 <br />