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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />• To be sensitive to the character of the community; <br />• To increase transit options; <br />• To improve transit accessibility to and within the Study Area; and <br />• To provide benefits to the environment through improved air quality. <br />Streetcar Alternative 1 would satisfy each of the project objectives and goals with similar <br />environmental effects as the other build alternatives. Therefore, Streetcar Alternative 1 is the <br />environmentally superior alternative. <br />Streetcar Alternative 2 <br />Streetcar Alternative 2 would utilize the PE ROW through the western half of its alignment and <br />substantially operate along Santa Ana Boulevard, Civic Center Drive, and 5th Street along the <br />eastern half of the alignment to SARTC. The operational characteristics of this alternative are <br />identical to Streetcar Alternative 1. The differences between the two streetcar alternatives are <br />the alignment and the fact that Streetcar Alternative 2 would have one additional station for a <br />total of 13. <br />Findings for Streetcar Alternative 2 <br />Similar to Streetcar Alternative 1 (the locally preferred alternative), construction - related air <br />quality emissions associated with Streetcar Alternative 2 would result in a regional NOx impact, <br />a localized PM1e impact, and a cumulative impact. The City of Santa Ana finds that specific <br />economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the <br />provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible Streetcar <br />Alternative 2 identified in the ENDEIR (CEQA Guidelines 15091(a)(3)). The daily ridership for <br />Streetcar Alternative 2 was projected to be 4,700 in 2035, as opposed to 6,100 for the proposed <br />project. Streetcar Alternative 2 would generate less ridership than the proposed project. It <br />would not provide adequate access to transit within the City of Santa Ana and, therefore, would <br />not be consistent with the goals and objectives of the proposed project. For these reasons, the <br />City of Santa Ana rejects this alternative. <br />I0S -1 and I0S -2 <br />In response to funding and phasing issues raised by fiscal constraints identified during OCTA's <br />long -range transportation planning process, IOSs, which are shorter segments of the Streetcar <br />Alternatives, were analyzed. Similar to the proposed project, construction - related air quality <br />emissions associated with IOS -1 and IOS -2 would result in a regional NOx impact, a localized <br />PM1e impact, and a cumulative impact. The intent of the IOS alternatives was to identify starter <br />segments that could be constructed and operated until funding is assembled to complete the <br />remaining portion of the project. Both IOS -1 and IOS -2 would terminate at Raitt Station ( Raitt <br />Street and Santa Ana Boulevard) rather than Harbor Station (Harbor Boulevard and <br />Westminster Avenue). Both would include the same project features and design options as <br />their respective full alignment build alternatives between Raitt Street and SARTC. The <br />configuration of Raitt as an interim terminus station is the same for IOS -1 and IOS -2. Just over <br />50 spaces would be provided for station parking at Raitt within the PE ROW on an interim basis <br />33 January 2015 <br />75A -43 <br />