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EXHIBIT J <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR LED POST TOP RETROFIT STREETLIGHTS <br />MINIMUM PROPOSER QUALIFICATIONS <br />1. The manufacturer of the proposed LED luminaires is required to have a minimum of five (5) years in <br />business manufacturing outdoor street lighting. The Proposer shall provide and attach documentation to <br />this RFP verifying this experience. In this documentation include any additional experience in other street <br />light technologies and types other than LED cobra - head -style street lights. <br />2. The Proposed manufacturer is required to provide proof of sale and delivery of at least one thousand <br />(1,000) LED lighting fixtures similar to the items in this RFP to public agencies or utilities within the United <br />States of America in the past three (3) years. This submittal should indicate the specific type, and to whom <br />the items were delivered, and the total number that have been installed to date. The Proposer shall <br />provide and attach documentation to the RFP verifying this level of experience. <br />3. The Proposer is required to be a manufacturer, manufacturer's authorized distributor, or manufacturer's <br />authorized installer for LED street light luminaires that are submitted in this RFP. The Proposer shall <br />provide and attach documentation to the RFP verifying its status as a manufacturer, manufacturer's <br />authorized distributor, or manufacturer's authorized installer. <br />4. Proposer must certify that luminaires shall conform to the current Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) <br />definition of "Full Cut -Off," with zero (0) illumination at an angle of ninety (90) degrees above the luminaire. <br />5. Proposer must provide IES files for each fixture type from an IES - certified testing facility. Proposer certifies <br />that it will provide IES files for each fixture type to be offered to meet the attached specification. <br />6. Proposer must certify that it has sufficient access to both required product, labor and resources to supply <br />the contract number of luminaires within eight (8) weeks of execution of the Agreement. <br />7. Proposer certifies that it has the financial capability to furnish the required bonds and securities (material, <br />payment, and securities) which the successful Proposer will be required to furnish at the time of execution <br />of the Agreement. <br />8. Proposer must provide manufacturer's Certification of Warranty for a minimum of seven (7) years. <br />Warranty shall include all components of the luminaire. <br />9. Proposer must provide a notarized document indicating that the products supplied by the company, whom <br />any future agreement or contract may be contemplated, are not named in any intellectual property dispute. <br />10. Any Proposer that fails to provide the required proof of qualifications shall have its proposal declared <br />"nonresponsive" and its submittal shall not be considered for this proposal. By submission of a proposal, <br />Proposer's agree that the City of Santa Ana shall make the sole determinations as to the Proposer meeting <br />these minimum qualifications. <br />RFP FOR LED POST TOP RETROFIT STREETLIGHTS & SARTC STRUCTURE LIGHTING Page J 28 <br />