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City of Santa Ana Response to Request for Proposal (UP) Medical Services Reviexv 1 2/9/13 <br />is,job related and is consistent with business necessity will be shared kith the City. OCCa -MCCI is <br />prepared to expertly advise the City on the matter. <br />F. MILLING AND REPORTING <br />Occu -Med maintains a database of all exams that we rea ien', Occu -Med NN ill provide the City with a <br />quarterly report documenting the results of our work, if requested. Clinic performance reports <br />documenting accuracy and turnaround times for exams Lire also available to our clients upon request. <br />OCCU -Med will work with the City to establish [fiat speeiCie information the City- wishes to receive in <br />each report (see APPENDIX C]). <br />OCCU -Med has completed the City's Price Schedule and it is included in Occu -Med's proposal in the <br />appropriate location as directed by the City's REP. We have also included a supplemental page with <br />itemized fees associated with the requested services by the City. <br />i <br />EXAMQA Report Pee <br />I Our EXAMQA services Consists Of our customary review fee which includes the f'ollotving: <br />a <br />• Scheduling- of each medical exam <br />• Tracking each medical exam for applicant/employee attendance <br />• Harvesting all medical exam results from the clinic <br />• OCCa -Med Medical Network allowing City applicants to be seen anywhere in the United States <br />• ReN ievN and evaluation of completed medical examinations with results sent to you on the same <br />day that the exam is received <br />• Written reports for each review undertaken for each applicant <br />• Employ ment Agreements for an) employees placed with accommodations <br />• Additional reviews for applicants with medical or physical conditions requiring further testing or <br />submission of additional information <br />• Explanation (by telephone and by letter) to prospectiN c employees of additional medical <br />information necessary forjobelcurance <br />• Submission of ]",all) defensible hiring recommendations <br />• Assistance iN °ith reasonable accommodation recommendations <br />• Consultation relative to pre - placement, return -to -work, and fimess- For -duu issues <br />RDQA services <br />t3 i Occu•Med <br />25A -34 <br />