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I <br />I City of Santa Ana Response to Request for Proposal (RFP) Medical Sen ices Review 2/9/15 <br />r <br />r <br />Assurance of excelIcut clinic performance issues, as needed <br />Periodic reports documenting the results of Occu -Med's [cork <br />QA' fees that the City would pay directly to the medical clinic, but Without all the hassle of dealing with <br />"MEDICAL BILLING INVOICES" OCCU -Mcd began its Clinic Bill Review service in 2006 as part of its <br />service to ITT, a company charged With deploying employees to Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Afghanistan for <br />carious major federal projects in that region. We have evaluated more over 100,000 clinic invoices for <br />pre - placement exams over this span of time and have been absolutely appalled at our findines: a) more <br />than 92% of these clinic invoices were initially submitted with inaccuracies (wrong charges for tests not <br />performed, charges for unnecessary testing performed, duplicate billings): and b) much worse is the fact <br />that nearly all of the incorrect im oices were inaccurate in favor of the clinic, <br />Occu -Med requires the submission of an accurate invoice for paN Trial. Which point we immediately <br />submit payment to the clinic. We submit our invoice to the City as a single fee (as negotiated) for an <br />exam — as the City's request our my oice will also include it list of itemized charges, however, the charges <br />will always add up to the pre - agreed negotiated fee, Clients have informed as that this "bill review" <br />service alone has literally saved days of staff time. Another client, upon learning of this billing trend, <br />audited the previous year's invoices and was able to obtain a refund or more than $3,000 for exams <br />performed. <br />On the first day ofeach month, OCCU -Med will submit an invoice to the City for the prior month's <br />medical services and examinations, Our invoices will be itemized by the date of service, name of person <br />examined, type of physical pert'ornted, itemized charges for each type of physical (if applicable), a <br />subtotal for each person examined, and a total ofcharges for the month being billed. <br />Our knowledge of the precise medical exam components that are of value for each specificjob class <br />(eliminating useless, improper and overly expensive medical tests),out- ability to negotiate lair and <br />reasonable charges from providers for medical exams. our national buying poorer for laborautr) services <br />(blood chemistry panels and wine drug screens), and our careful auditing or clinic and laboratory charges <br />allow us to offer a vastly expanded array of services to Our Clients for fees typically charged fly their <br />medical provider far just the medical examination and laboratory charges. <br />OCCU -Med Will in -tit be able to su bin it clear Lind strauigh I forwa rd month invoices to the Cit) (see <br />APPENDIX B). This stands in contrast to the amorphous and Often incorrect invoices ty pica lly submitted <br />T-IK <br />19 t Occu -Med <br />25A -35 <br />