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EXHIBIT C <br />HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS (24 CFR 574.310 (B) <br />TITLE 24-- HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br />CHAPTER VIII -- OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING -- FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER, <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS AND <br />SECTION 202 DIRECT LOAN PROGRAM) <br />PART 882 -- SECTION 8 CERTIFICATE AND MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAMS- -Table of Contents <br />Subpart A-- Applicability, Scope and Basic Policies <br />Sec. 882.109 Housing quality standards. <br />Housing used in this program shall meet the Performance Requirements set forth in this section. In addition, the housing shall <br />meet the Acceptability Criteria set forth in this section except for such variations as are proposed by the PHA and approved by <br />HUD. Local climatic or geological conditions or local codes are examples which may justify such variations. <br />(a) Sanitary facilities <br />(1) Performance requirement. The dwelling unit shall include its own sanitary facilities which are in proper operating condition, <br />can be used in privacy, and are adequate for personal cleanliness and the disposal of human waste. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. A flush toilet in a separate, private room, a fixed basin with hot and cold running water, and a shower <br />or tub with hot and cold running water shall be present in the dwelling unit, all in proper operating condition. These facilities shall <br />utilize an approved public or private disposal system. <br />(b) Food preparation and refuse disposal <br />(1) Performance requirement. The dwelling unit shall contain suitable space and equipment to store, prepare, and serve foods <br />in a sanitary manner. There shall be adequate facilities and services for the sanitary disposal of food wastes and refuse, <br />including facilities for temporary storage where necessary (e.g., garbage cans). <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The unit shall contain the following equipment in proper operating condition: cooking stove or range <br />and a refrigerator of appropriate size for the unit, supplied by either the Owner or the Family, and a kitchen sink with hot and cold <br />running water. The sink shall drain into an approved public or private system. Adequate space for the storage, preparation and <br />serving of food shall be provided. <br />(c) Space and security <br />(1) Performance Requirement. The dwelling unit shall afford the Family adequate space and security. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The dwelling unit shall contain a living room, kitchen area, and bathroom. The dwelling unit shall <br />contain at least one bedroom or living /sleeping room of appropriate size for each two persons. Persons of opposite sex, other <br />than husband and wife or very young children, shall not be required to occupy the same bedroom or living /sleeping room. <br />Exterior doors and windows accessible from outside the unit shall be lockable. <br />(d) Thermal environment <br />(1) Performance requirement. The dwelling unit shall have and be capable of maintaining a thermal environment healthy for <br />the human body. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The dwelling unit shall contain safe heating and /or cooling facilities which are in proper operating <br />condition and can provide adequate heat and /or cooling to each room in the dwelling unit appropriate for the climate to assure a <br />healthy living environment. Unvented room heaters which burn gas, oil or kerosene are unacceptable. <br />(e) Illumination and electricity <br />(1) Performance requirement. Each room shall have adequate natural or artificial illumination to permit normal indoor activities <br />and to support the health and safety of occupants. Sufficient electrical sources shall be provided to permit use of essential <br />electrical appliances while assuring safety from fire. <br />15 <br />