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Where lead -based paint on chewable surfaces is identified, covering or removal of the paint surface in accordance with 24 CFR <br />35.24(b)(2)(0) shall be required in accordance with Sec. 882.209(h) or Sec. 882.211 (b) and (c), as appropriate, and correction <br />shall be completed within the time limits set forth in paragraph (1)(3) of this section. <br />(5) Abatement without testing. In lieu of the procedures set forth in (4) above, the PHA may at its discretion, forego testing and <br />require the owner to abate all interior and exterior chewable surfaces in accordance with the method set out at 25 CFR <br />35.24(b)(2)(ii). <br />(6) Tenant protection. The owner shall take appropriate action to protect tenants from hazards associated with abatement <br />procedures. <br />(7) Records. The PHA shall keep a copy of each inspection report for at least three years. If a unit requires testing or if the unit <br />requires treatment of chewable surfaces based on the testing, the PHA shall keep indefinitely the test results and, if applicable, <br />the owner certification of treatment. The records shall indicate which chewable surfaces in units have been tested and which <br />chewable surfaces in the units have been treated. If records establish that certain chewable surfaces were tested or tested and <br />treated in accordance with the standards prescribed in this section, such chewable surfaces do not have to be tested or treated <br />at any subsequent time. <br />(j) Access <br />(1) Performance requirement. The dwelling unit shall be useable and capable of being maintained without unauthorized use of <br />other private properties, and the building shall provide an alternate means of egress in case of fire. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The dwelling unit shall be useable and capable of being maintained without unauthorized use of other <br />private properties. The building shall provide an alternate means of egress in case of fire (such as fire stairs of egress through <br />windows). <br />(k) Site and neighborhood <br />(1) Performance requirement. The site and neighborhood shall be reasonably free from disturbing noises and reverberations <br />and other hazards to the health, safety, and general welfare of the occupants. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The site and neighborhood shall not be subject to serious adverse environmental conditions, natural <br />or manmade, such as dangerous walks, steps, instability, flooding, poor drainage, septic tank back -ups, sewage hazards or <br />mudslides; abnormal air pollution, smoke or dust; excessive noise, vibration or vehicular traffic; excessive accumulations of trash; <br />vermin or rodent infestation; or fire hazards. <br />(1) Sanitary condition <br />(1) Performance requirement. The unit and its equipment shall be in sanitary condition. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The units and its equipment shall be free of vermin and rodent infestation. <br />(m) Congregate Housing <br />(1) Performance requirement. The foregoing standards shall apply except for paragraph (b) of this section and the requirement <br />in paragraph (c)(2) of this section for a kitchen area. In addition, the following standards shall apply: <br />(1) The unit shall contain a refrigerator of appropriate size. <br />(2) The sanitary facilities described in paragraph (a) of this section shall be contained within the unit. <br />(3) The central dining facility and central kitchen shall be located within the building or housing complex and be accessible to <br />the occupants of the congregate units, and shall contain suitable space and equipment to store, prepare and serve food in a <br />sanitary manner by a food service or persons other than the occupants and shall be for the primary use of occupants of the <br />congregate units and be sufficient in size to accommodate the occupants. There shall be adequate facilities and services for the <br />sanitary disposal of food wastes and refuse, including facilities for temporary storage where necessary (e.g., garbage cans). <br />(n) Independent Group Residence <br />(1) Performance requirement. The foregoing standards shall apply except for paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (f), (k), and (m) of this <br />section. In addition, the following standards shall apply: <br />(1) The unit shall contain and have ready access to a flush toilet which can be used in privacy, a fixed basin with hot and cold <br />running water, and a shower and /or tub equipped with hot and cold running water all in proper operating condition and adequate <br />for personal cleanliness and the disposal of human wastes. These facilities shall utilize an approved public or private disposal <br />system, and shall be sufficient in number so that they need not be shared by more than four occupants. Those units <br />accommodating physically handicapped occupants with wheelchairs or other special equipment shall provide access to all <br />sanitary facilities, and shall provide, as appropriate to needs of the occupants, basins and toilets of appropriate height; grab bars <br />to toilets, showers and /or bathtubs; shower seats; and adequate space for movement. <br />(2) The unit shall contain suitable space to store, prepare and serve foods in a sanitary manner. A cooking stove or range, a <br />refrigerator(s) of appropriate size and in sufficient quantity for the number of occupants, and a kitchen sink with hot and cold <br />running water shall be present in proper operating condition. The sink shall drain into an approved private or public system. <br />Adequate space for the storage, preparation and serving of food shall be provided. There shall be adequate facilities and <br />17 <br />