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(3) records which demonstrate compliance with the property standards set forth <br />in Exhibit C; <br />(4) certifications given by contractors and subcontractors given pursuant to <br />Sections 8.g. and 8.h., above. <br />(5) statement of income to Project Sponsor from tenants pursuant to Section <br />10.a., above. <br />Project Sponsor shall retain all books and records relevant to this Agreement for a minimum <br />of four (4) years after the expiration of this Agreement and any and all amendments hereto, or for <br />four years after the conclusion or resolution of any and all audits or litigation relevant to this <br />Agreement, whichever is later. The City, the State, HUD, and/or their representatives shall have <br />unrestricted reasonable access to all locations, books, and records for the purpose of monitoring, <br />auditing, or otherwise examining said locations, books, and records with or without prior notice. <br />If so directed by the City, the State or HUD upon termination of this Agreement, Project <br />Sponsor shall cause all records, accounts, documentation and all other materials relevant to the <br />Work to be delivered to the City, the State or HUD, as depository. <br />C. Audits. Project Sponsor agrees that if it expends Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand <br />($750,000) or more in federal funds, Project Sponsor shall have an annual audit conducted by a <br />certified public accountant in accordance with the standards set forth and published by the United <br />States Office of Management and Budget (2 CFR Part 200, et al). Project Sponsor shall provide <br />City with a copy of said audit by April 1 of the year following the program year in which this <br />Agreement is executed. Project Sponsor shall procure all materials, property, or services in <br />accordance with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.318 -326. <br />11. Enforcement 124 CFR 92.504(e)(13)] This Agreement and all of its attachments, shall be <br />enforceable by City in accordance with the terms hereof. Failure by Project Sponsor to comply <br />with any material provision hereof shall constitute a breach. In the event of a breach, City shall <br />provide written notice to Project Sponsor. City may terminate this Agreement in the event Project <br />Sponsor fails to cure any such default within 30 days after notice or in the event that Project <br />Sponsor conveys the Property to a person who does not agree to assume the obligations of Project <br />Sponsor under this Agreement. The foregoing provision does not apply to a transfer of the Property <br />to HUD or to a transferee of HUD. <br />12. Agreement Containing Covenants. Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, <br />City and Project Sponsor shall execute and acknowledge an Agreement Containing Covenants <br />Affecting Real Property substantially in the form and substance of Exhibit G hereto. The executed <br />and acknowledged Agreement Containing Covenants Affecting Real Property shall be recorded <br />against the Property at the time of the acquisition of the Property by Project Sponsor. <br />13. Attachments. Project Sponsor has reviewed and, if appropriate, agrees to execute and <br />acknowledge the following documents in substantially the form as attached to this Agreement prior <br />to receiving the Grant, and any other documents or instruments reasonably required by the City or a <br />