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participating entity to complete the transaction contemplated herein: <br />Exhibit A - <br />Legal Description of Property <br />Exhibit B - <br />Draw Request <br />Exhibit C - <br />Housing Quality Standards (24 CFR 74.310(b)) <br />Exhibit D - <br />Section 3 Report <br />Exhibit E - <br />Debarment Certification <br />Exhibit F - <br />Certification Regarding Lobbying <br />Exhibit G - <br />Agreement Containing Covenants Affecting Real Property <br />Project Sponsor agrees and acknowledges that the Agreement Containing Covenants Affecting Real <br />Property shall be recorded against the Property with the County Recorder of the County of Orange <br />and shall appear of record with respect to and as an encumbrance against the Property. <br />14. Duration of this Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect for ten (10) years <br />from the date the Notice of Completion of rehabilitation or Certificate of Occupancy is filed /issued <br />and shall automatically terminate on the tenth (10h) anniversary from said date. <br />15. Repayment of Grant: Project Sponsor shall not be obliged to make payments to City <br />during the Term of this Grant, which shall be ten (10) years (the "Term "); provided, however, <br />that in the event of default, the principal amount (as reduced pursuant to this Paragraph) shall <br />become due and payable in full. The preceding sentence to the contrary notwithstanding, the <br />principal amount shall be deemed repaid by the amount of ten percent (10 %), or Seventy Two <br />Thousand Dollars ($72,000.00) each annual anniversary during the Term commencing on the <br />date the Notice of Completion of rehabilitation or Certificate of Occupancy is filed /issued and <br />continuing on each anniversary thereafter until the last day of the ten -year Term. <br />16. Expiration of Repayment Obligation. In the event the Project Sponsor does not sell or <br />transfer the Property, fail to occupy, refinance, or discontinue the Project, or if the Project <br />Sponsor is not in material breach of any other provisions of this Agreement before the end of the <br />Term, the Project Sponsor shall have no obligation to make the repayment to City upon any later <br />sale, transfer, refinancing or termination of occupancy on the Property. <br />17, Non- Waiver. Failure to exercise any right City may have or be entitled to, in the event of a <br />default hereunder, shall not constitute a waiver of such right or of any other right in the event of a <br />subsequent default. <br />18. Indemnification. The Project Sponsor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City <br />of Santa Ana and its officers, employees, representatives and volunteers from and against any <br />loss, liability, claim, or judgment relating in any manner to the Property referred to in this <br />Agreement. The Project Sponsor shall remain fully obligated for the payment of property taxes <br />and assessments related to the Property. There shall be no reduction in taxes for Project Sponsor, <br />nor any transfer of responsibility to City to make such payments, by virtue of the Grant. <br />19. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. <br />Any legal action brought under this Agreement must be instituted in the Superior Court of the <br />