08/07/2007 12:35 7142450094SAPD FISCAL PAGE 10115
<br />FILE- OC -87
<br />24 2IVvn-Sxc l'u ^ive�.0:.ir�nse. "the Iica rise given hereunder Is not exclusive 'and
<br />0i"M spaoittoally reserves the right to give other licenses within the License Property,
<br />a,a•®veMInL s_may. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State
<br />•...
<br />rt,ca,
<br />U,Aevarol i . If any terra; dovanant oonditlon or provision of this Agreement,
<br />!i^„r�,rtirall•thereof To any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be held by a
<br />VQLTI,, i,',0 rarrrnpaterrt j+.tdsdiLtican to, be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the
<br />'rviilq, or,,verbants, conditions, or provlslons of this- Agreement, or the,6pplloafion thereof to
<br />ony person or clrcumstarlo, shall remaln In full foroe and effect and shell in no way be
<br />affected, Impaired or invalldated thereby,
<br />4.6%natqt ata„;La9 t.�w�U61igtaklc�ns., Sxcept as expressly herein provided, any
<br />^r.a,ra mase -to 00TA which Is not paid when due shall bear interest, from the date due, at
<br />.°nn),,” murn rates then allowable by law.. Suoth interest will be due (EGTA as it accrues.
<br />Payment of ouch interest shall not excuse or cure any default by I.1mrisee under this
<br />NIraxxnent.. Interest shtall not, be payable on late charges incxlrred by Lidantee.
<br />40I"8 , !aV_k f,, d ;,, "➢1�IIr &ns. All obligations of Licensee hereunder not fully
<br />es of the expiration or earlier ftewrilnation of the Term of this Agreement shall
<br />curvlve' tilos: exgtr�ttl an or e adiar'ttrrNra;:aRlon of this Agreement, including without limitation, all
<br />opt+r,"eryt. obligations smith resfaect to LirAnse Frans and all obligations concerning the
<br />,r of the OCTA property and the F'adility,
<br />@vr, C'�¢.y1/ _ " r.µcgrrP I" as. The waiver by one party of the
<br />.'aro of rany covenant or Coridition under this Agreement shall not Invalidgto this
<br />��•,..r eau,: erose° shsll It be considered a waiver by it oaf any dther'coveriant or condition under
<br />t;'r§:s ,r�ogirraeonent.
<br />24,8 jjopprr tirt t, This Agreement rimy be amended at mny time by the wdtter7
<br />agreement of OGTA,,end t^Iran, ee. All arnandirrrents, changes, revisions, and discharges of
<br />this ,Avlt'oeenorit Inwhole hole or° in part, anti •frrarn time to time, shall be binding upon the -parties,
<br />so l6ng as the sa;lme sh all be in wrifing aand eixecuted by the paartl�s Hereto,
<br />.9 � aartngt7r.rnt, This Agreement and the license given hereunder are personal
<br />t!e ens„ee, 11cacMnSee Shull nut os,91gn or tmrisfer (whether voluntarily or involuntarily)
<br />ta'a",t�1 yrs rsearaear°rt Orr 41 ioio Orin hart, or Permit any other person or entity to use the rights or
<br />given hereunder, without the prior written consent of OCTA, which may be
<br />v;rt>in 4" 0TA'a sole and absolute diecre[ion, and any etter•npted act In vlolntlon of the
<br />Pp!te 12 ref 16
<br />