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. .:::6 71e4'Lh5f30'3A SAPD FT;KAL. PAGE 06/13 <br />FILF: OC 417 <br />this <br />w-je bevoPd rsrtr� withput �`rft end give 00TH the right to immediately terminate <br />4Jtls a�1�C�,�k�ll&'W�tWt't, <br />S �.1Cd ,%gr �A• . in zany judiofal nr' arbitration proceeding involving <br />Verf',lnrr undo under Oils Agreement, Or'detuit Or broach thereof, the prevailing party shall <br />0 c ,^ t,,lad to Its reasonable attomey% fees and costs, <br />jrti,ar��llistir6rrtii a'o , LaeerlgaLs certifies and agreed that all person's ettpfoyed <br />a ..: r„aar'rtraolos retained, by either Woensea or Lirarisee's al�aliates, subsldiarios? or <br />t;saifir,t; ,arnpan6s, vwitNW rbapect to tlta.L,Poense. t�roperty, ora and aMalrttca treated equally <br />vaikhrolal reg ar t tb �r^ taackbuse,religion, noestry, national nrrigin, df rbility or S”, and <br />iPt �.;na+raaiJattr wittt ala fedar land atdtu idwra piohlblting disr�rirllnmtion in employment, <br />irr� irMriirrci but neck limited 'ko 4iteIvil' �iOP1ts Aot Krfi 'fip0; tMts tlnruh Civil Rights Adt; the <br />GF'r,r,wrifa�htA�rtl arvd thr<a d f4li'Noml�a Bair l I ployfnant f�raotlees Aot• <br />24.'92 F9tt' hp „A!,"t& At ()C'rA'O writs dieicrOVOI!i but at the sale expenss- of Lic ttsee <br />aria wRhOW: M W r;;fMa (JOIA1 for reimbOrsart!srit, Licensee agrees to per'io1 rr any further <br />vats and tr) rIxea:9flAs und deliver any NC'jor,arnent& Whioit tay bre reasonably ne%eury to <br />111A.1"?* provisions of thiserra�srt; Jncll,tIlrug the`relOW10n of the Facility'and the <br />tu-munder, <br />e4.fUUFLia f�afipi� g.:(ic n Maleby vralvos any rfgitt to r�locatir�n <br />€turoatsi rtne, rrrt,�anrag Orriieansos, Lyortdvw li or ath r paymsants to which Licence might <br />bl`,: SnIftled, under the Bea IORnRelocation Aaaistance, andF+ <br />rctae� <br />�"�rar.O-114�ition trroicies Al, iii' 1970, as amended, RC2 U.tro,C, '� 4�k�Ci1 � ppq, heal l rot the <br />(';riflac;",r;t"; fk I eat;Bor'r Ataai6,tmce Lm. /, Erle at'nended, Government Cot,tq 7200 of soM-r., but <br />for this v taivor and OWN. o! 'pvass right of tbrntirWotrooOn, ' <br />;',14 , b 1;i?t.,1 3 a t Tbrn6, , is of the-1,essence in the partonnance of this <br />@ ?leo- rf;rr3tLP g. Li fi�nriee sh Vl ,nett reOOrd nr prrTtit to be remrded In the <br />Official rebr IThi, 04 the e.ouintl! duharotite LIOPMPol Property l:] Ionated any memorandum of this <br />raft qtr^�rl't: or iany oth,sr givirV Mtir bf the 6a(19terrce of this Agreement or the <br />ilrens� 91VOn hQrC).tnu'ler, <br />Licrsnwe adrm)s that MbNlthstamllnrg the improvements <br />rra dss i,yr &,.Acr;rt;Usar to they License JPrraparty or cttPtrsr' sums eirtaended by Cleanses in <br />,I.- *Kira t,rl'^esrnent, the li�c�:nseea Oven hereunder la revocable by OCTA in <br />3iw With V-19 tra,'rns of this Aa,grnow)a;nt, <br />Paige IVb of 1 i <br />