Department of Justice
<br />Office of Justice Pregram3 - AWARD CONTINUATION
<br />i Bureau of Justice Assistance SHFET PAGE 4 oP m
<br />Grant
<br />PROJECT NUMBER 2015 -DJ- 6X.0:76 _ AWARD DA 'r6 03/1312015
<br />10. The recipient agrees to comply with applicable requirements regarding registration with the System for Award
<br />Management (SAM) (or with a successor government-wide system of icially designated by OMB and OJP). Tile
<br />recipient also agrees to comply with applicable restrictions on subawards to first -tier submcirwits that do not acquire
<br />and provide a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. The details of recipient obligations are posted on
<br />the Office of Justice Pmgrans web site at hiip: / /tunding/smn.htnr. (Award condition:. Registration with the
<br />System for Award Management and Universal identifier Requirements), and are incorporated by reference here. This'
<br />special condition does not apply to an award to an individual who received the award as a natural person (i.e., uurclrued
<br />to any husiness or non - profit organization that he or she may awn or operate in his or her name).
<br />H, pursuant to Executive Order 13513, "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, "74 Fed. Reg.
<br />51225 (October I, 20091, the Department encanmges recipients and sub recipients to adopt and enforce policies
<br />banning employees from text messaging while driving any vehicle during the course of performing work funded by this
<br />grant, and to establish workplace saga) policies and conduct education, awareness, and otheromreaeh to decrease
<br />crashes caused by distracted drivers.
<br />12. Tire recipient agrees to comply wolr all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and guidance (including specific cost
<br />limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, where applicable) governing die use of federal funds for expenses
<br />related to conferences, meetings, Immings, and other events, including the provision official and /or beverages at such
<br />event& and casts of attendance at such events. Information on relca applicable to this award appears in the DOI Grants
<br />Financial Guide (currently, as section 3,10 of "Postoward Requirements" in the "2015 DOI Giants Financial Guide"),
<br />13. Tire recipient understands and agrees that nay training Or training materials developed or delivered with funding
<br />provided under this award must adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgra ices, available
<br />at http:// www. njp. usdoJ. govlpuuhngtojplrainingguidingprinuipJes elan.
<br />14. The recipient agrees that if it currently bas an open award of federal funds or if it receives an award of federal funds
<br />other than this DIP award, and those award funds have been, are being, or are to be used, in whole, or in part, for one or
<br />more of the identical cost items for which hinds are being provided under this OJP award, the recipient will promptly
<br />nodf"y, in writing, the grant manager for this OJP award, and, if so requested by OJP, seek a budget- tnecGfication or
<br />change-nf- prajce�icape grant adjustment notice (GAN) to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding,
<br />15. The recipient understands and agrees that award finals may not be used to discriminate against or delagrato the
<br />religious or moral beliefs of students who participate in programs for which financial assistance is provided from those
<br />funds, or of the parents or legal ymardians of such students. '
<br />16. The recipient understands and agrees that - (a) No award funds may be used to maintain or establish a computer
<br />network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography,. and (b) Nothing in
<br />subsection (a) limits the use of funds necessary for any Federal, State, tribal. or local law enforcement agency or any
<br />other entity, carrying out criminal investigations, prosecution, or adjudication activities.
<br />i
<br />' 17. A recipient that is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requirements to use the "de minimis" indirect cost rate
<br />described in 2 C.F.R. 200.414(1), and that elects to use the "do minimis" indirwt cost rate, must advise OJP in writing
<br />of both its eligibility and its election, and must comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200 Unifirma
<br />Requirements, The "do minions" rate may be applied only to modified total direct costs (MTDC).
<br />18. The recipient must collect, maintain, and provide to OJP, data that measure lire performance and effectiveness of
<br />activities under this award, in the mamter, and within the tinteframes, specified in the program solicitation, or as
<br />otherwise specified by OJP. Data coilection supports compliance with the Government Perfamrance mid Results Act
<br />(OPRA) and the GPRA Modernization Act, and other applicable laws.
<br />DIP rORM 400012 (REV 4.3R)
<br />25C -43
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