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Santa Ana Results <br />GPC has been providing graffiti removal services for the City of Santa Ana for the past ten years. <br />The contract started as graffiti removal from only painted surfaces on weekends and Holidays. <br />Within the first couple of weeks of services, The City realized the tremendous upgrade GPC <br />provided from their previous weekend contractor. The City increased GPC's workload to <br />include requests for graffiti removal from unpainted surfaces such as block walls and sidewalks. <br />In addition, on weekdays, GPC on several occasions assisted City staff on high profile or <br />difficult unpainted surfaces where GPO's advanced techniques could be utilized to the City's <br />advantage. <br />CPC's weekend Santa Ana staff led by Barry Steinhart and Rafael Serratos had a strong desire to <br />exceed they City's expectations. Their efforts of not only clearing the Hotline but also patrolling <br />the main streets lead to an extremely high volume of work completed. City staff took notice of <br />the success GPC was having throughout the City. <br />In 2008, after seeing GPCs ability to color match properties, the City asked GPC to provide a <br />truck to restore painted buildings along major thoroughfares. This truck greatly improved the <br />appearance of the City and was a huge success. <br />In 2010, the City contracted with GPC to expand services year round for services that included <br />upper level locations and color matching throughout the City. In addition, the City upgraded <br />their graffiti information management systems by utilizing CPC's state of the art software <br />system. Expectations were very high for the new service model. The City contracted for five <br />trucks, however this level of manpower was based upon the City being in "maintenance" mode. <br />GPC, at its own cost, increased the number of service trucks in the City so that GPC could go <br />from "restoration" mode to "maintenance" mode. GPC's crews consistently cleaned greater than <br />10,000 sites per month, not only cleaning new graffiti but also handling deferred maintenance <br />issues. <br />GPC consistently provides additional service trucks on its own and at no additional charge to <br />meet the City's needs during periods of high vandal activity. <br />During the past 5 years, GPC has hosted many community events in the City aimed at educating <br />the public about graffiti abatement, getting youth to participate in cleaning their community in a <br />fun and positive manner, and working to form a partnership with residents in order to help make <br />Santa Ana a graffiti free community. <br />GPC proudly stands behind its exceptional ten years of service in the City of Santa Ana. <br />25H -86 <br />