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Methods for removal <br />GPC meets and exceeds the City's standards for graffiti abatement. <br />- Painted Surfaces <br />On most previously painted surfaces (with the exception of some semi - gloss, gloss, oil based, <br />powder coated, and anti- graffiti coated surfaces), the best method of removal is to prep and <br />repaint graffiti affected areas with exact color matches. For the few exceptions listed in <br />parentheses above, GPC possesses a graffiti remover that erases the graffiti without damaging the <br />finish or color of those surfaces. <br />Preparation (prep), which includes adjacent surface protection, is vital in professional removal. <br />Before the touch -up paint can be applied, the surface must be clean. If the graffiti is from a <br />marker or dark spray paint on a light color, the graffiti will be "killed" with a primer. It is <br />required to use a primer in these instances, otherwise, many rapid coats of paint will have to be <br />applied which will lead to adhesion problems and will distort the texture of the surface. <br />GPC must now snake the custom color of the surface, GPC will match the sheen of the surface, <br />followed by the base, and then add colorants so that the touch -up is virtually undetectable. Once <br />the paint is made, the formula is saved and the paint is labeled with the corresponding location. <br />The advantage of near perfect color matches is that smaller areas can be touched -up without <br />having to paint the entire surface, creating tremendous cost savings. All GPC techs are excellent <br />color matchers and are extensively trained at on -site color matching. <br />GPC applies the color using its "feathering" technique with the applicators listed above. The techs <br />are trained to apply a thin even coat while blending out all the edges. There will be no drip marks <br />or awkward squares. Upon completion, the touch -up will not be recognizable and no one will <br />have known that site had been vandalized. <br />It is important to note that GPC uses only quality paint to prevent color fading, obtain better <br />coverage, and prevent adhesion problems. <br />GPC utilizes drop cloths to protect the ground and landscaping from drops or spills. If vehicle(s) <br />are too close to the work area, GPC with permission from the CPM, will reschedule for the most <br />advantageous time. Techs are well trained and highly skilled which greatly limits the <br />possibilities of adjacent surface damage. Plastic sheeting and tape is in every truck and will be <br />used when necessary. Proper clean -up and disposal is performed at each site. <br />Extreme care and diligence is always utilized when using airless sprayers and graffiti removers <br />to avoid overspray of cars, personal property, and pedestrians. During the past 24 years GPC <br />personnel have removed millions of tags with not one insurance claim of overspray, injury, or <br />other complication for any of our clients. <br />- Unpainted Surfaces <br />GPC removes graffiti from unpainted surfaces with soda blasting techniques and chemical <br />removal. Soda blasting can be performed wet or dry. For wet blasting, GPC utilizes water <br />recovery and recycling equipment. GPC possesses many water recovery units. The units are <br />truck mounted and designed after a much larger CALTRANS model. The units are fully <br />25H -96 <br />