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automatic zero discharge - closed loop wash water recovery system. The units remove all <br />physical particles twenty microns and larger in size as well as absorbing petroleum <br />hydrocarbons. It collects the wash water using a Vacuboom system, filters the water and returns <br />the clean water to the main water tank. Water recovery units are in compliance with current <br />wastewater regulations and requirements. <br />GPC also utilizes graffiti removers depending on the surface to be cleaned. All removers are <br />biodegradable and non- hazardous. The removers will clean the graffiti without causing damage <br />to the underlying surface. <br />The media used for soda blasting is baking soda. Baking soda is FDA approved, non- toxic, and <br />contains no free silica. It is also non- sparking, non - flammable, non - hazardous, and <br />environmentally safe. Proper clean-up and disposal is performed at each site. <br />Natural surfaces that are repeatedly tagged may require the application of an anti - graffiti coating. <br />These projects will be performed on a case by case basis under the City's direction. <br />Equipment to be provided daily within contract <br />GPC trucks for the City of Santa Ana will be a mix of new or late model long bed heavy duty <br />pick -ups. All tricks are fully equipped and self - contained for all aspects of graffiti removal. <br />Graffiti locations often require multiple techniques of hot water cleaning, chemical removal, and <br />painting. Therefore, each of our trucks are equipped with 3,000 psi 5gprn hot water pressure <br />washers, water tanks, water recovery units, .75 -gpm gas powered airless paint sprayers, ladder, <br />baking soda blaster attachments, and pressure washer hose reels. CPC's equipment is of the <br />highest quality and all the trucks are specifically customized and designed for GPC graffiti <br />removal techniques. GPC currently has all the equipment needed to fulfill this contract. <br />Mounted on the trucks are dual strobe lights and arrow sticks. The tricks possess a "Men <br />Working" flag sign as well as enough cones to comply with WATCH handbook requirements. <br />Inside the trucks are caution tape, respirators, first aid kits, MSDS sheets, safety equipment, and <br />tools for repairs. <br />All GPC trucks for the City will always be fully equipped for all types of graffiti removal as <br />stated above. There will be no need or delay for additional equipment. GPC has immediate access <br />to a bucket truck; however the need in Santa Ana for a bucket truck has been virtually non- <br />existent. <br />Recent photo samples of work in the City are included on the following pages. <br />25H -97 <br />