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7. 'tiubject to Paragraph 5. alcove (the Each Occurrence Limit), the IMedical Expense Lit-nit is the most tile <br />Insurer will pay under Coverage C — Medical Payments for all tncdic,,d expenses because of bodily <br />injury sustained by an), one person. The Medical Expense Lint is the greater of. <br />(1) $1.5,000 unless a different amount is shown here: or <br />(2) the amount shown in the Declarations for Medical Fxpense Limit. <br />B. Under COVERAGES, the Insuring Agreement of Coverage C — Medical Payments is amended to <br />replace paragraph La.(3)(b) with the following: <br />(b) The expenses ;are incurred and reported to the Insurer within three years of the date of the accident; <br />and <br />This Paragraph B. does riot apply to medical expenses incurred in the state of Missouri. <br />13. NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT <br />Under COVERAGES, Coverage A — Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled <br />Exclusions is amended as follows: <br />The exclusion entitled Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft is amended to add the following: <br />This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft not owned by any Named Insured, provided that: <br />1, the pilot in command holds currently effective certificate issued by the duly constit-utedauthoriry of the <br />United States of Arnerica or Canada, designating that person as a commercial or airline transport pilot, <br />2. thcaircraft is rented with a trained, paid crew to the Named insured; and <br />1 the aircraft is not being used to carry persons or property for a charge. <br />14. NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT <br />Under COVERAGES, Coverage A — Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled <br />Exclusions is amended to delete subparagraph (2) of the exclusion entitled Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft, and <br />replace it with the following. <br />This exclusion does not apply to: <br />(2) a - ,watercraft that is not owned hp any Named Insured, provided the watercraft is: <br />(a) less than 75 feet long; and <br />(b) not being used to carry persons or property fora charge. <br />15, PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY —DISCRIMINATION OR HUMILIATION <br />A. Under DEFINITIONS, the definition of personal and advertising injury is amended to add the following tort: <br />• Discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of natural person. <br />B. Under COVERAGES, Coverage B — Personal and Advertising Injury Liability, the paragraph entitled <br />Exclusions is amended to: <br />1. delete the Exclusion entitled Knowing Violation Of Rights Of Another and replace it with the <br />foUmving: <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />Attachment Code : D509349 <br />Certificate ID : 12901237 <br />