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Knowing Violation of Rights of Another <br />Personal and advertising injury caused by orat the direction of the Insured with the knowledge that the act <br />would violate the rights of another and would inflict personal and advertising injury. This exclusion shall not <br />apply to discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of a natural person, but <br />only if such discrimination or humiliation is not done intentioriqliv by or at the direction of., <br />(a) the Named Insured; or <br />(b) any executive officer, director, stockholder, partner, member or manager (if the Named insured is <br />a limited liability company) of the Named Insured. <br />2. add the following exclusions: <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />Employment Related Discrimination <br />Discrimination or humiliation directly or indirectly related to the eiriployinent, prospective einploymerit, <br />past employment or termination of employment of any person by any Insured. <br />Premises Related Discrimination <br />discrimination or humiliation arising out of the sale, rental, lease or sub- lease, or prospective sale, rental, <br />lease or sub -lease of any room, d-welling or pren­iises by or at the direction of away Insured. <br />Notwithstanding the above, there is no coverage for fines or penalties levied or imposed by a governmental entity <br />because of discrimination, <br />The coverage provided by this PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY — DISCRIMINATION OR <br />HUMILIATION Provision does not apply to any person or organization whose status as an Insured derives solely <br />from <br />• Provision 1. ADDITIONAL INSURED of this endorsernern; or <br />• attachment of an additional insured endorsement to this Coverage Part. <br />16, PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - LIMITED CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY <br />A. Under COVERAGES, Coverage B —Personal and Advertising Injury Liability, the paragraph entitled <br />Exclusions is amended to delete the exclusion entitled Contractual Liability and replace it with the <br />following: <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />Contractual Liability <br />Personal and advertising injury fear which the Insured has assurncd liability in a contract or agreement. <br />This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages: <br />(1) that the Insured would have in the absence of the contract or agreement; or <br />(2) assumed in a contract or agreement that is an insured contract provided the offense that caused such personal or <br />advertising injury first occurred subsequent to the execution of such insured contract. Solely for the purpose o <br />Liability assumed in in insured contract, reasonable qttornclr fees and necessary litigation expenses incurred I r a <br />party other than an Insured ate deerned to be damages because of personal and advertising injurwiq` ed: <br />Attachment Code : D509349 <br />Certificate ID : 12901237 <br />G6 <br />