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EIR No. 2015 -01, AA No. 2014 -04, <br />GPA No. 2015 -03, DA No. 2015 -03 & VTTM No. 2015 -03 <br />October 12, 2015 <br />Page 12 <br />As a result of the environmental analysis, two significant impacts were found from the construction <br />of the proposed project that pertains to air quality and traffic. These items have been discussed in <br />greater detail within the body of this report. Mitigation measures have been provided to address <br />potential environmental impacts, with a list of these mitigation measures found within the attached <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Mitigation measures have been outlined to address <br />potential impacts on air quality, noise, transportation and traffic, utilities and service systems, and <br />climate change (Exhibit 17). <br />Strategic Plan Alignment <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal No. 3 Economic Development, Objective <br />No. 2 (create new opportunities for business/job growth and encourage private development through <br />new General Plan and Zoning Ordinance policies). <br />Conclusion <br />Based on the provided analysis, staff recommends that the Planning Commission provide direction <br />on the following applications: Certification of Final Environmental Impact Report No. 2015 -01 and <br />the mitigation monitoring program, findings and statement of overriding considerations; General Plan <br />Amendment No. 2015 -03; Amendment Application No. 2014 -04 for Specific Development No. 88 <br />(SD -88); Development Agreement No. 2015 -03; and, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 2015 -03 as <br />conditioned. <br />x- <br />Vince Fregoso, <br />Acting Planning Manager <br />VF:jm <br />Mraport$ \The HeritageSR2015- <br />75A -16 <br />