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4. A clean and safe environment for the City's residents, workers and visitors. <br />5. Pedestrian fhendly and walkable streets between the residential, commercial and <br />office uses, thereby reducing the use of vehicles. <br />6. A visually harmonious development as viewed both internally and <br />externally. <br />7. Flexibility in development in response to market conditions while achieving <br />overall City and community goals. <br />SECTION 3 — Uses permitted in Specific Development No. 88 <br />The following uses are pennittedn1 the SD -88 district: <br />(a.) Multiple- family dwellings <br />(b) Live /work lofts <br />(c) Retail and service uses <br />(d) Restaurants, cafes and eating establishments <br />(e) Office uses <br />(f) Other uses as deemed compatible by the Planning Manager or designee <br />SECTION 4 —1lses subiect to a conditional use permit in Specifie Development No. 88 <br />(a) Establishments open at any time between the hours of t2:00 a.nx. and 7:00 a.m. <br />(b) Establislunents selling alcoholic beverages <br />(c) Laamdrornats <br />SECTION 5 — Maxianaun permitted buildine iutensi <br />The maximum authorized building intensity for The Heritage is 2,209,227 gross square feet <br />(including the parking garages) or 1,495,301 square feet (exclusive of the parking garages) <br />for the mixture of uses in the project, The maximum number of residential units for the <br />project is 1,221. The maximum allowable office area is 56,000 gross square feet. The <br />maximum square footage for the retail and restaurant components is limited to 18,090 gross <br />square feet. <br />SECTION 6 — Minimum lot area in Specific Development No, 88 <br />Developable lots for the project shall have a minimurn lot area of 1.66 acres. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />75A -60 <br />