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SECTION 7 — Minimum street frontage in Specific Develoument No. 88 <br />Developable lots shall have a minimum street frontage of at least 200 feet. <br />SECTION 8 — Building height in Specific Development No. 88 <br />No structure shall exceed 100 feet in height, as measured from the lowest adjacent grade of a. <br />structure to the top of the structure, <br />SECTION 9 — Lot coverage in Specific Development No. 88 <br />No more than 60 percent of the lot shall be covered by structures. <br />SECTION 10 — Development standards in Specific Development No. 88 <br />The Heritage development shall be built as shown on the approved project plans included as <br />attachments to the SD. The plans shall govern in the event there is a conflict between the <br />SD with the project plans. In addition, the following standards are applicable to the project: <br />(a) Setbacks. <br />(1) A minimum setback. of 20 feet shall be provided between the property line <br />and buildings on Redhill Avenue <br />(2) A minimum setback of 12 feet shall be provided between the property line <br />and buildings on Dyer Road. <br />(3) A minimum setback of 10 feet shall be provided along the northern and <br />western internal property lines <br />(4) A mininuim 10 foot setback shall be provided tlhc property line and <br />buildings fronting an interior street <br />(b) Parking and Circulation. The minimum off street parking requirements fc r the <br />project are as follows: <br />1) A total of 1.71 parking spaces per unit <br />2) One guest space for every 10 unit <br />3) One space per 200 square feet for retail and restaurant uses <br />4) One space per 550 square feet for office uses <br />(c) Pedestrian. Walkways and Open Space. The project will provide a <br />public park, trails and similar open spaces at a minimum of six acres. <br />The Pedestrian paseos and walkways shall be provided as shown on <br />approved plan. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />75A -61 <br />