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FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/1/2016 8:44:43 AM
Creation date
2/1/2016 8:31:14 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). The SOQ must include the following components: <br />1. Developer Team. An organizational chart showing lines of responsibility, as well as a list of team members and <br />their duties as part of the team. If the developer is a nonprofit corporation, or if a nonprofit is one of the team <br />members, the SOQ must include documentation that the corporation is certified by the U.S. Internal Revenue <br />Service as a 501(c)3 tax exempt non - profit corporation, and is in good standing with both state and federal <br />compliance. <br />Nonprofits who wish to be considered for funding under the Community Housing Development Organization <br />(CHDO) component of the HOME Program must complete and include a CHDO checklist, as well as the required <br />supporting documentation. The CHDO checklist is available on HUD's website here: <br />http: / / offices /cpd /affordablehousing /training/ web /chdo /characteristics /chdochec.pdf. A CHDO <br />certification from another jurisdiction is not acceptable. They must also describe their ability to comply with the <br />new HUD requirements for CHDOs. <br />Developer needs to identify if any contractor(s) and /or subcontractor(s) are a subsidiary to any member of the <br />development team. <br />2. Developer Experience. A narrative describing recent affordable residential development and management <br />experience, with an emphasis on experience gained in the last five years on projects similar to the one being <br />proposed. <br />a. Include project name and type (special needs, senior, large family, etc.), project address, developer <br />team members, unit count and bedroom type, affordability requirements, and funding sources in your <br />description. <br />b. Include a description of how neighborhood input was solicited and utilized in the development of these <br />projects. <br />3. Service Provider Experience. (Only if applying for Project -Based Vouchers in partnership with a Service <br />Provider) A narrative describing recent experience, with an emphasis on experience gained in the last five years <br />on projects similar to the one being proposed. <br />a. Include project name and type (homeless, special needs, senior, large family, etc.), project address, unit <br />count and bedroom type, affordability requirements, and funding sources in your description. <br />b. Include a description of current involvement with the Orange County Continuum of Care and the Orange <br />County Coordinated Entry system. (If from another county, may use that jurisdiction's CoC.) <br />4. Financial Capacity. Description of financial strength and ability to obtain project financing before July 30, 2016, <br />and to provide sufficient equity for the successful completion of the proposed project. <br />a. Include a description of current relationships with major lending institutions. <br />b. The developer which is selected for recommendation to City Council, or if a partnership, the team <br />members who will retain an ownership interest in the project, will be required to submit complete <br />financial statements for the last three years. Because of the possibility of public records requests, the <br />City cannot guarantee that these statements will remain confidential. <br />5. References. Include a list of at least three references from public agency partners and professional lenders and <br />investors with full names, contact information, and identification of the project(s) worked on. SOQs must be <br />limited to a maximum of 25 pages, excluding front and back covers, section dividers, and exhibits. <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Proposals for Affordable Housing Development <br />19979 <br />
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