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FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
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Last modified
2/1/2016 8:44:43 AM
Creation date
2/1/2016 8:31:14 AM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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All project proposals must contain the following minimum submission requirements: <br />1. Project Description. Detailed and concise narrative describing the proposed project, including at a minimum <br />and as appropriate the rehabilitation concept for the site or a description (with photographs) of the building to <br />be acquired, proposed building square footage, number of units /bedrooms, total parking spaces, proposed <br />ingress and egress, proposed rents and tenant incomes, any special needs groups to be served, amenities to be <br />provided to the tenants, and resident manager's unit. If there will not be a resident manager for a rental <br />project, describe in detail how the project will be managed. <br />For all projects, the narrative must also address site control, current zoning and any required zoning changes, <br />anticipated development costs, City funds required and required City loan terms, developer access to additional <br />funds required by the project, and proof that the property is under contract. This narrative should be <br />accompanied by a site map showing the project's location. <br />2. Development Pro Forma. A detailed development pro forma that identifies the sources and uses of all funds <br />necessary to complete the project, and that includes the project's anticipated cash flows over a period of years <br />equal to 15 years and 30 years. The pro forma should identify important underlying assumptions that govern the <br />cash flows, including but not necessarily limited to the amounts and frequency of loan repayments (all sources), <br />annual rent increases, occupancy levels, operating costs as a percent of revenue, timing and amounts of <br />replacement costs. The developer should indicate whether the cost estimates in the Sources and Uses budget <br />assume the payment of Davis -Bacon wages and relocation benefits, if applicable. The pro forma must include a <br />calculation of the return on investment to the developer. This will enable the City to comply with the new HUD <br />requirement that it evaluate the reasonableness of the "level of profit or return on owner's or developer's <br />investment in a project ". To date, HUD has provided no further guidance on this required evaluation. <br />3. Projected Rental Income. Include evidence that the rental income shown in the pro forma is reasonable and <br />achievable. If proposing all rents to be for low- income households, please include a market study. <br />4. Section 3 and Section 504 Compliance. Describe the steps to be taken to comply with the federal requirement <br />for maximum feasible participation of local low income residents and businesses in the development of federally <br />funded projects. Describe how the project will be developed and operated so as to insure compliance with all <br />relevant components of the Americans with Disabilities Act. <br />S. Proposed Development Schedule. Taking as a starting point City Council approval of the proposed City loan, <br />provide a proposed development schedule that includes the following milestones at a minimum: site <br />acquisition, additional required loan commitments and funding from all other funding sources, zoning change <br />approvals if necessary, preparation and approval of construction plans, start of construction, completion of <br />construction, and lease -up. The schedule must reflect the fact that under the new HOME Program regulations <br />the City cannot commit HOME funds to the project until it has completed its own underwriting, until the <br />developer has obtained commitments for all additional required funds, and until the City and the developer <br />have signed a loan agreement. <br />6. Current Tenants. Provide a listing of all tenants currently residing in the units, if applicable. <br />7. Exhibit B — Proposer'sStatement <br />8. Exhibit C — Certification of Nondiscrimination <br />9. ExhibitD — Non - Collusion Affidavit <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Proposals for Affordable Housing Development <br />Page 8 <br />19E -10 <br />
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