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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2/23/2016 2:21:31 PM
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2/23/2016 2:04:03 PM
City Clerk
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hotspots; therefore, CO emissions would be less than significant. Additionally, the emissions <br />generated by the project would not exceed the applicable SCAQMD localized construction or <br />operational air quality thresholds. Therefore, localized impacts related to localized construction and <br />operational impacts would be less than significant, In addition, emissions of toxic air contaminants <br />(TACs) related to diesel particulate matter from construction equipment, the onsite emergency <br />generator, and adjacent active rail line would not exceed the thresholds of significance. Therefore, <br />the project would result in less than significant impacts related to exposure of sensitive receptors to <br />substantial pollutant concentrations. <br />B. Findings <br />The City finds that: <br />1. The Heritage Mixed Use project would not create permanent adverse impacts related to conflict <br />with or obstruction of implementation of the AQMP, and would riot expose sensitive receptors to <br />substantial pollutant concentrations. Thus, these air quality related impacts would be less than <br />significant, and no mitigation measures are necessary. <br />Geology and Soils <br />A. Facts <br />1. The project would not result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. The project would be <br />required to be implemented in compliance with the Construction General Permit and a SWPPP <br />prepared by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and implemented by a Qualified SWPPP <br />Practitioner (QSP), which would ensure that construction - related impacts from erosion and siltation <br />from the project would be less than significant. <br />2. The project would not result in a significant cumulative impact related to geology and soils, The <br />project would be required to be i nplomented in compliance with (California Building Codes) <br />building codes, which reduces impacts to a less than significant level. All other projects within the <br />County are subject to similar seismic hazards and are subject to CBC building codes to reduce <br />potential effects related to seismic events. Therefore, the project would not result in impacts that <br />could combine with other existing, future, or foreseeable projects; and the project would result in <br />less than significant cumulative impacts related to geology and soils. <br />Implementation of a site - specific SWPPP and BMPs as required by Construction General Permit <br />would minimize the potential for soil erosion from project construction. All planned projects in the <br />vicinity of the project are subject to conformance with the same Construction General Pennit and <br />the local grading and building code requirements, which reduce potential impacts related to erosion <br />and seismic hazards to less than sigm fucant levels. With implementation of existing regulatory <br />requirements, the project when combined with the past, present, and reasonably foreseeable <br />cumulative projects would result in less than significant cumulative impacts related to erosion. <br />The Hedlege Mixed Use Project 10 ESA 1140730 <br />Sietamonl of Facts and Flndln9s September 2015 <br />
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