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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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Statement of Facts and <br />WQMP that would detail the appropriate non - structural, structural, and source control and treatment <br />control BMPs implemented onsite and designed to protect surface water quality. Implementation of <br />BMPs per the WQMP would reduce potential impacts to surface and ground water quality du ing <br />project operation to a less than significant level. <br />3. The project would not substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfexe substantially with <br />groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the <br />local groundwater table level. Groundwater use and infiltration in the project area and vicinity is <br />prohibited due to the existence of a subsurface plume identified by OCWD and above a natural <br />pollutant source area (e.g., selenium). As such, the proj cot would not use groundwater resources or <br />infiltrate water into the existing groundwater basin. In addition, constriction water uses, such as <br />those associated with dust control and sanitation, are anticipated to be minimal; and the Water <br />Supply Assessment (WS A) prepared for the project concluded that the project would result in a less <br />than significant impact on water supplies. As such, the project would not substantially deplete <br />groundwater supplies, and impacts would be less than significant. <br />4. The project would not substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including <br />through the alteration of the coarse of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in <br />substantial erosion or siltation on- or off site. The project would be required to be implemented in <br />compliance with the Construction General Permit and a SWPPP prepared by a QSD and <br />implemented by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP), which would ensure that construction- <br />related impacts from erosion and siltation from the project would be less than significant. After <br />completion of construction, the runoff conditions (flow rates and durations) would be less than pre - <br />development runoff conditions. Thus, the project would not result in erosion or siltation onsite or <br />offsite. Impacts would be less than significant. <br />5. The project would not substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including <br />through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount <br />of surface runoff in a mamier which would result in flooding onsite or offsite. There are no streams <br />or rivers in the vicinity of the project site; thus, alteration of the course of a stream or river would <br />not occur. In addition, the SWPPP would ensure that construction - related impacts related to <br />increases to surface runoff would be less than significant. After completion of construction, the <br />runoff conditions (flow rates and durations) would be toss than pre - development runoff conditions. <br />Thus, the project would not result in runoff that could substantially alter the existing drainage <br />pattern of the site or area. Impacts would be less than significant. <br />The project would not create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing <br />or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff. <br />The SWPPP would ensure that construction - related impacts related to sources of polluted runoff <br />would be less than significant. Auer completion of construction, the runoff conditions (flow rates <br />and durations) would be less than pre - development runoff conditions due to the increase in pervious <br />surfaces that would be generated from the project. In addition, runoff would be filtered through <br />structural BMPs, which would slow drainage and remove pollutants, prior to discharge from the <br />project site. Thus, the project would not result in runoff that would exceed the capacity of existing <br />The Iderkage Mixad Use Preect 14 ESA / 140734 <br />Statement rf Facts and Findings September 2015 <br />
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