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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2/23/2016 2:21:31 PM
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2/23/2016 2:04:03 PM
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statement of Facts and Findings <br />existing project driveways. In addition, the project is required to design and construct internal <br />access in conformance with Orange County Fire Authority standards and the California Fire Code <br />regulations. As such, the project would not impair implementation of or physically interfere with an <br />adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan, and impacts would be less than <br />significant. <br />The project would not result in cumulatively considerable impacts related to hazards and hazardous <br />materials. Each past, present, and foreseeable future project must comply with all existing <br />hazardous material regulations, which are in place to reduce the potential effects of accidental <br />releases of hazardous materials. In addition, the project in combination with the cumulative <br />development in the vicinity of JWA would not result in cumulatively considerable impact related to <br />the safety of people residing or working in the proj cot area. The project would not introduce a safety <br />hazard associated with airport operations, and would not contribute to cumulative impacts related to <br />JWA hazards. Cumulative impacts would be less than significant, <br />B. Findings <br />The City finds that: <br />The Heritage Mixed Use project would not result in a significant impact involving the release of <br />hazardous materials into the environment. The project is also not located on a site that would create a <br />significant hazard to the public or the environment. The project would not create a significant safety <br />hazard related to JWA operations. The project would not impair implementation of or physically <br />interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan; and the project <br />would not result in cumulatively considerable impacts related to hazards and hazardous materials. Thus, <br />these hazards and hazardous materials related irnpacts would be less than significant, and no mitigation <br />measures are necessary. <br />Hydrology and Water Quality <br />A. Facts <br />1. The project would not violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements during <br />construction activities. Construction of the project would adhere to the Construction General <br />Permit, which requires the development and implementation of a SWPPP by a. QSD to address site - <br />specific conditions related to construction, and describe erosion and sediment control best <br />management practices 03MPs) to reduce or eliminate sediment, pollutants adhering to sediment, <br />and other non - sediment pollutants in storm water, as well as non -storm water discharges during <br />construction. Adherence to the Construction General Permit would ensure that potential water <br />quality degradation associated with construction activities would be minimized, and impacts would <br />be less than significant. <br />2, Operation of the project would not violate any water quality standards or waste discharge <br />requirements because the project would be required to comply with the Santa Ana RWQCB MS4 <br />Permit that involves implementation of s, project- specific WQMP based on the County's model <br />The Heritage Mixed Use Protect '13 ESA/ 140730 <br />Slatement of Farts end Findings September 2016 <br />
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