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I <br />(i) Taxes, assessments, fees and charges; provided, however, <br />that the collection of certain development fees shall be <br />governed by subsection (b),of this section. <br />(ii) Building, electrical, mechanical, fire and similar codes <br />based upon uniform codes incorporated by reference into <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Codep <br />(iii) Laws, including zoning code provisions, which regulate <br />the manner in which business activities may be conducted <br />or which prohibit any particular type of business <br />activity on a city -wide basis; <br />(iv) Procedural rules of general city -wide application. <br />(b) The Transportation System Improvement Fee (currently <br />established by S.A.M.C. S 8-44) 1 the Drainage Area Fee (currently <br />established by S.A.M.C. 55 34 -191 et seq.) and the Sewer Connection <br />Fee (currently established by S.A.M.C. 5 39-53) shall be paid by <br />the Developer in the rates in effect at the tier•; payment is due. <br />However, the calculation and collection of such fees shall be <br />governed by the following principles., <br />(i) Transportation system Improvement feet <br />q Payment shall be due at the time of issuance of <br />building permits. <br />• The fee will not be applied to the remodel or <br />rehabilitation of existing buildings. <br />o No credit will be given for any demolition. <br />(ii) Drainage Area Fee: <br />e payment will be due at the time of filing of a <br />final parcel or tract map. <br />A 12 -acre credit will be given for previous fees <br />paid for the Property. <br />(iii) Sewer Connection Fee: <br />• payment shall be due at the time of issuance of <br />building permits. <br />• credit will be given for fixture units removed due <br />to demolition. <br />No fee shall. be collected for the rehabilitation or <br />remodel of a building unless there is a net in- <br />crease in the number of fixture units- <br />0 <br />75D -85 <br />