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013 <br />The parties also understand tat the, City currently collects a fee <br />on behalf of the Orange county SaAt�tion District and that that <br />district determines the rules for calculation and collection of <br />that feel as well as the amount. <br />The City shall not impose any fee on the Developer for the <br />construction of street medians. <br />7. Dedications and street Improvements. <br />Developer agree to make the following dedications of land to <br />the City in connection with the Development: <br />(a) A right-of -way easement for a diagonal corner out -off on <br />the northwest corner of the Property, at the intersection <br />of Bristol Street and Edinger Avenue, as shown on Exhibit <br />F, attached hereto and incorporated herein. <br />(b) A right -of -way easement for a bus turn -out on the Edinger <br />Avenue frontage of the Property, as shown on Exhibit G, <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein. <br />(c) A 20 -foot -wide drainage and utility easement, and two 60 <br />feet by 5 feet drainage, utility and emergency access, <br />easements on the easterly property 'line fronting Stanford <br />and Pomona steets, located as shown on Exhibits H, N, 4, <br />and P attached hereto and incorporated herein. <br />(d) A right -of -way easement for a diagonal corner cut -off at <br />the southwest corner of Edinger Avenue and the proposed <br />main entrance, as shown on Exhibit I, attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein. <br />Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any <br />new building on the Property, Developer shall make dedications (a) <br />and ('b), above, and shall, at Developer's sole cost, dry the street <br />work necessary to improve the bus turn -out in accordance with city <br />standards. The City shall do the corner cut -off street work at <br />Bristol and Edinger, at the City's sole cost, at such time as the <br />City widens and improves Bristol Street in the vicinity of the <br />Property. <br />Dedications (c) and (d) , above, shall be made by Developer <br />promptly following the clearance of all existing improvements from <br />the Additional Parcels. The installation of drainage improvements <br />shall be the responsibility of the City, in accordance with Section <br />11 of this Agreement. At such time Developer shall, at Developer's <br />expense improve the Edinger main entrance in accordance with <br />Exhibits J and Q, attached hereto and incorporated herein and City <br />standards. The City shall do the necessary median changes in <br />Edinger Avenue in accordance with Exhibit J at its own expense at <br />such time as Developer improves the Edinger Avenue main entrance. <br />75D -86 <br />