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016 <br />lo. Environmental compliance. <br />The "Negative Declaration" for the Development is incorporated <br />herein by reference as through fully set forth at length. The City <br />and the Developer acknowledge that to the extent that said document <br />identifies certain mitigation measures applicable to the Develop- <br />ment, Developer agrees to implement the various mitigation measures <br />recommended to be implemented by the Developer pursuant to the said <br />document, provided that the Developer proceeds with the Development <br />and commences construction. The City agrees to implement the <br />various mitigation measures recommended to be implemented by the <br />City pursuant to the said document, provided that the Developer <br />proceeds with the Development and commences construction. city <br />agrees that no subsequent or supplemental environmental impact <br />report shall be required for subsequent discretionary approval <br />except as set forth in California Public Resources Code § 21166. <br />11. Street vacations <br />The City shall vacate the excess right -of -way of Bristol <br />Street shown on Exhibit L, attached hereto and incorporated herein, <br />promptly following the execution of this Agreement. <br />The City shall vacate and abandon the City's right of way <br />easements over Baker Street, Stanford Street, and Pomona Street to <br />the extent they abut the Additional Parcels, and over the Edinger <br />frontage road to the extent it abuts the original Parcel and <br />Additional Parcel No. 3, as shown in Exhibit M, attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein, and shall remove street improvements from the <br />said vacated streets and construct public drainage improvements in <br />the area of the drainage easement granted to the City by Developer <br />pursuant to Section 7 of this Development Agreement, in accordance <br />with the following terms and conditions: <br />(a) The said street removal and drainage improvement work <br />shall be completed by the City prior to the last of the <br />following dates: <br />(i) The date occurring three (3) years after the date <br />on which the city receives written notice from the <br />Developer that the Developer has acquired title to <br />all the Additional Parcels (provided the Developer <br />has in fact acquired such title). <br />(ii) The date occurring two (2) years after the date on <br />which the City receives notice from the Developer <br />that the Developer has removed all improvements <br />from the Additional Parcels (provided the Developer <br />has in fact removed such improvements). <br />(iii) The date occurring two (2) years after the date on <br />to <br />75D -89 <br />