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, <br />10, -V <br />Which the Developer dedicates the drainage easement <br />specified in Section 7 of this Development Agree- <br />ment to the City. <br />(b) The City shall be responsible for the removal and /or <br />relocation of all public utilities located in the area of <br />the streets which are to be vacated pursuant to this <br />section, without cost to the Developer (other than costs <br />for any new utility connections which may be necessary).. <br />(c) The street abandonments shall be accomplished by means of <br />a parcel map merging the original Parcel and the Addi- <br />tional Parcels into a single new parcel in accordance <br />with section 66499.20k of the Government Code of the <br />state of California. Developer shall cause a tentative <br />map and a parcel map to be filed with the City for this <br />purpose after the improvements on the Additional Parcels <br />have been removed. <br />(d) it is understood and agreed that the drainage 'improve- <br />ments to be installed in the drainage easement shall be <br />surface drainage facilities, as depicted on Exhibits H, <br />N, 0, P and Q. it is further understood that such <br />surface drainage improvement may not be sufficient to <br />fully protect other improvements on the Property from <br />stormwater damage during especially severe storms, and <br />Developer assumes the risk of such damage. Developer <br />shall keep the drainage facilities free and clear of all <br />impediments to drainage and shall maintain the five -foot <br />strip to the east of the drainage easement as a land- <br />scaped area. <br />12. off- Lite narking mitigation <br />(a) The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the <br />students attending the school park their automobiles on the local <br />streets in neighboring residential areas; that the approval of this <br />Development Agreement will not exacerbate that situation because <br />this Development Agreement limits the number of students attending <br />the school to 2,200 students; but that this Development Agreement <br />allows the parties to jointly mitigate the student parking problem <br />that will continue to exist unless mitigated by the provision of <br />additional off - street parking areas. Therefore, the parties agree <br />to undertake the off - street parking mitigation measures set forth <br />in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. <br />(b) The City agrees to construct a public parking lot on the <br />east side of Bristol street north of Edinger Avenue as part of its <br />Bristol Street widening project. The said parking lot shall <br />contain approximately Soo parking spaces. The City shall not <br />impose any charge for parking at the said parking lot. The parking <br />it <br />75D -90 <br />