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01 <br />L®4L74 V AZQUEZL.LC <br />Municipal Solid Waste Management & Recycling Advisors <br />known for our ability to exceed expectations through cost-effective, timely services that result in <br />significant value for the customers we serve. Our team has carefully reviewed the City's scope <br />of work and requirements and we are confident in our ability to serve Santa Ana and achieve <br />the long-term rate, service and diversion the City seeks. <br />Sloan Vazquez provides a unique perspective, as all of our staff members have worked in the <br />industry and possess hands-on expertise and working knowledge of solid waste and recycling <br />program management and service delivery. As can be attested by our clients, this first-hand <br />understanding of the industry equips our team with the ability to conduct thorough, expert hauler <br />audits, procurements and contract negotiations. And as demonstrated by our results, whether <br />through the recovery of fees, the assessment of liquidated damages, the evaluation of RFP <br />responses or the negotiation of contracts, Sloan Vazquez consistently and impartially applies <br />our comprehensive, 3600 knowledge of the municipal solid waste and recycling industry and in- <br />depth understanding of the operations of service providers throughout the region. <br />We hope to have the privilege of being selected for this project and we hereby declare that we <br />are prepared to enter into a written contract and complete the work in the time specified, and in <br />strict conformity with the City of Santa Ana specifications for the fees quoted. We have the <br />personnel, operational and technical expertise, and financial resources to render the services <br />that are described herein. <br />Cordially, <br />Joe Sloan <br />Principal and Partner <br />Sloan Vazquez, LLC <br />18006 Skypark Circle , Suite 205 • Irvine, CA 92694 <br />Office: 866.241.4533 , FAX: 714.276 0625 - <br />