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may be utilized, because parcel size is one of the main limiting factors on what can be built on a specific parcel. <br />Appendix C represents the area of each parcel within the Assessment District boundary. <br />Length of Travel Footage. The length of travel footage is defined as the length from the farthest access <br />point of the property to the nearest major thoroughfare. The length of travel footage method is a direct measure <br />of the actual utilization of the street improvements by each parcel and its corresponding special benefit derived <br />from the street improvements. <br />Recommended Direct and Special Benefit Methodology Spreads <br />For the purpose of assessing the special benefits to each parcel in the Assessment District, a <br />combination of two components of special benefit have been identified to quantify the value of the <br />Improvements to be received by each parcel in the Assessment District. The first component of special benefit is <br />based on the parcel acreage and the second is length of travel along the roads to be improved by the projects this <br />assessment is funding. <br />The first level of special benefit was assigned based on the size of the parcel (in acres) as parcel size <br />dictates, to some degree, the size of the business, and how much employee and customer traffic it generates. The <br />size of a parcel is an indicator of how much traffic will be generated and how much the parcel will specially <br />benefit from the improved roadways within the Assessment District. This special benefit is assigned a value or <br />weighting of 50% of the total assessment. <br />Some parcels are land - locked (having no driveway outlet to the streets being improved), but the <br />potential future use of these parcels would specially benefit from the improvements of the interior roadways in <br />proportion to the parcel size. Furthermore, many of these parcels are already being used in combination with <br />adjoining parcels which do have access to the interior roadways, thereby specially benefiting from the <br />improvements. A total of 29 parcels (22 north of Warner Avenue, and 7 to the south) have been identified as <br />receiving this level of special benefit and only this level. These parcels will be charged only the acreage -based <br />component of the assessment. <br />The second level of special benefit was assigned based on the length of the improved street or streets <br />over which vehicles will travel to arrive at each individual parcel. This benefit was determined by measuring the <br />length of travel in linear feet from the nearest major thoroughfare along one or more of the streets to be <br />improved to the farthest driveway on a particular parcel. Longer lengths of travel contribute more to the wear <br />and tear of the roadway than do shorter trips. This special benefit is thought to be a true measure of how much <br />of the improved streets each particular parcel will utilize and is therefore assigned a value or weighting of 50% <br />of the total assessment. Only parcels having direct access to the interior roadways to be improved will be <br />assessed this component. <br />Therefore, the special benefits will be apportioned to the parcels within the Assessment District in the <br />following manner: <br />Methodology Percentage Applied <br />Parcel Area 50% <br />Length of Travel 50% <br />The total amount to bond equals $3,033,415, assuming the City will contribute $3,033,415 of the total <br />costs <br />Proposition 218 mandates that "Parcels within a District that are owned or used by any Agency, the <br />State of California, or the United States shall not be exempt from assessment, unless the Agency can <br />demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence, that these publicly owned parcels in fact receive no benefit." <br />Roadway parcels upon which improvements are located do not receive benefit and are not assessed. <br />19 <br />55B -89 <br />