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CITY.OF SANTA ANA ... <br />RFP NO.; 16-125 <br />OC STREETCAR DESIGN REVIEW SUPPORT <br />Pursuant to the provisions associated with federal regulation 49 &, part 26, the disadvantaged business <br />enterprise (DBE) program exists to ensure participation, equitable competition, and assistance to <br />participants in the usdot DBE program. Accordingly, based on the authority's analysts of its past utilization <br />data, coupled with its examination of similar agencies' disparity study and recent goal methodology findings <br />the authority has implemented the reinstatement of the DBE program utilizing both race -conscious and race - <br />neutral means across the board as all protected groups participation have been affected using strictly race <br />neutral means on its fta-assisted contracts. <br />The authority reinstates the use of contract goals and good faith efforts. Meeting the contract -specific goal <br />by committing to utilize DBEs or documenting a bona fide good faith effort to do so, is a condition of <br />award. Additionally, contract -specific goals are now specifically targeted at DBEs (DBEs owned and <br />controlled by black americans, hispanic americans, asian pacfc americans, native americans, asian- <br />pacific americans, sub -continent asian americans, and women). In the event of a substitution, a DBE must <br />be substituted with another DBE or documented adequate good faith efforts to do so must be made, in order <br />to meet the contract goal and DBE contract requirements. <br />Definitions <br />The following definitions apply to the terns used in these provisions: <br />1. "disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE)" means a small business concern: (a) which is at least 51 <br />percent owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals or, in the case of <br />any publicly -owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more socially <br />and economically disadvantaged individuals; and (b) whose management and daily business operations <br />are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it. <br />2. "small business concern" means a small business as defined pursuant to section 3 of the small business <br />act and relevant regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, except that a small business concern must not <br />include any concern or group of concerns controlled by the same socially and economically <br />disadvantaged individual or individuals which has annual average gross receipts in excess of $19.57 <br />million over the previous three fiscal years. <br />3. "socially and economically disadvantaged individuals" means those individuals who are citizens of the <br />united states (or lawfully admitted permanent residents) and who are black americans, hispanic <br />americans, native americans, asian-pacific americans, or asian-indian americans, women and any other <br />minorities or individuals found to be disadvantaged by the small business administration pursuant to <br />section 8(a) of the small business act, or by the authority pursuant to 49 cfr part 26.65. Members of the <br />following groups are presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged: <br />A. "black americans," which includes persons having origins in any of the black racial groups of africa; <br />B. "hispanic americans," which includes persons of mexican, Puerto rican, cuban, central or south <br />american, or other Spanish or Portuguese culture or origin, regardless of race; <br />C. "native americans," which includes persons who are american indians, eskimos, aleuts, or native <br />hawaiians; <br />